Chapter Nine

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The nurse began to fuss over me the minute I arrived in her office, holding an ice pack against my head and asking lots of questions to try and ascertain whether or not I'd need hospital treatment, she seemed satisfied that I was coherent and would recover without needing to visit the ER.

"I can't seem to get hold of your parents." She informed me with a frown on her face. "I've left a message informing them of your accident, that you'll be going home and also what they should keep an eye out for once your home." I nodded knowing that the message wouldn't be picked up for hours. "So get yourself home, rest, and keep applying ice." I nodded and left the room.

I headed by Miss Steele's classroom on the way out, just in case she'd received any new information.

"Goodness what happened?" She jumped to her feet when she spotted my face.

"I got into a fight with the floor." I shrugged. "Did anyone reply?"

"Are you sure it was only the floor?" She ignored my question.

"Yes." I nodded stiffly. Brandi had already been berated by the coach there was no point in blowing the whole incident out of proportion.

"Okay." She said, her eyes narrowed with suspicion. "And yes, I've got some more information." She returned to her desk. "The guy from New York messaged back, you were right he's her brother, he said she works at Bill's diner."

"Bill's diner as in the Bill's diner by Target?" I asked, she gave a nod in response. I was surprised she was so close by, I'd been trying so hard to find her and she'd been under my nose the whole time. "That's great." I smiled at her. "Thank you for your help." I said getting up and almost skipping out of her office. I was so pleased to be able to carry on with the project finally.

I hopped in my car and headed straight to the diner, I had to see for myself if she was really there.

I pulled up into the diner parking lot ten minutes later, I checked myself in the mirror and almost jumped in fright, a nice blue and purple cheek has formed on my cheek bone and spread under my eye, the lump on my head had reduced in size but was still prominent and with a blue tinge to it. I dove into my backpack and pulled out my stick of concealer I kept incase of zit emergencies.

By the time I stepped out of the car I was quite proud of how well I'd done with so little make up, and felt able to walk into the diner with my head held high. A blonde woman stood at the podium by the door menu in hand.

"Good morning, I'm Julie and I'll-" Her voice trailed off as she took in my face. "Sweet baby Jesus, what happened to your face doll?" She grabbed me by the hand and pulled me over to one of the booths, she checked my face over. "Do I need to call the cops?"

"No I'm fine." My face flushed with embarrassment, I thought I'd fix my face. "Is Jennifer here?" I asked, she eyed me suspiciously.

"Who's asking?" She folded her arms across her chest.

"I'm Frankie, I'm a student at Sturgeon Bay high, I need to talk to Jennifer for a project." I tried not to be intimidated by Julie's stare down.

"She's in a meeting, she should be done soon." She replied, seemingly happy with my explanation. "Can I get you something while you wait?"

"A pepsi please." She nodded and headed to the counter. I pulled the journal out of my bag, and began to read on.

Dear Diary,

I sat down with dad a few days ago and done the only thing I could do, I was honest. He surprised me by not screaming or throwing me out, he was disappointed and told me to give him a few days to think things through and in the meantime he wanted my brothers kept in the dark, which was obviously fine by me.

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