Chapter Eleven

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I'd slept poorly all night and ached from sleeping in a position which allowed Barley total comfort whilst I'd been cramped in a corner of the sofa.

A snore from the other side of the room startled me, I looked over to find my dad fast asleep in the armchair, fully clothed with his shoes still on. A feeling of guilt washed over me, I'd been so resentful last night at the thought they'd abandoned me, when in actual fact they were both dog tired, decent people.

I climbed off the sofa and made my way to where he slept in the armchair, he looked like he was in an awkward position.

"Dad." I shook his shoulder lightly, he remained asleep, his snores coming in a rhythmic pattern. "Dad." I called a little louder. He woke up in a shock, his eyes sprung open and it almost looked like he might leap out of the chair, it took a few seconds for him to register his surroundings, but when he did he seemed to relax.

"Hey pumpkin." He said hoarsely. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine dad, well rested." I half lied.

"Well at least one of us are." He quipped. "I'm sorry me or your mom couldn't get back sooner."

"It's okay dad. I'm a big girl." I shrugged, it would have been easy to berate him for their parenting skills but I loved them and had to respect they're careers were important to them.

"You weren't okay. You were concussed." He said firmly. "You shouldn't be so blasé about your wellbeing." He shook his head lightly, sitting up in the armchair. "You should have been sent to hospital, I'll be having words with your principal."

"No dad." I interjected. "I'm okay, let's not make a huge fuss out of this, please." I pleaded.

We were interrupted by a knock at the front door, we both looked at each other as if the other might know who would be here so early. I hurried to the door and pulled it open and found Seth on the doorstep.

"Hey." He said a little coyly.

"Hi, what are you doing here?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"Frankie, who is it?" Dad called from the lounge.

"It's Seth." I called back before turning my attention back to Seth. "Well?"

"I wanted to see how you were, and see if you need a ride to school, wasn't sure if you're meant to drive after having a concussion."

"Now that sounds like a sensible idea." Dad said announcing his arrival to the hallway. "Good to see you again Seth." Dad reached out to shake Seth's hand.

"You too sir."

"Eric please." My dad insisted. I looked between the two of them, and shook my head in confusion, I wouldn't have pictured these two getting along.

"I'm not even dressed." I pointed out.

"Well you better get a move on then, don't want to keep Seth waiting." My dad pushed me towards the stairs, I rolled my eyes but moved up the stairs.

The hot water was welcomed against my aching body. I stood in the bathroom mirror surveying the damage from yesterday, the bump had receded but now the bruising had gone a deep purple. I tried my best to cover up the bruising using a lot of concealer and a little foundation. I managed to make it look passable and quickly threw my hair on top of my head in a messy bun. I slipped on a pair of indigo jeans, a grey Sturgeon bay sweatshirt and my toms.

I was greeted downstairs by the sight of my dad and Seth sat at the breakfast bar, talking animatedly over a mug of coffee. They both turnt in my direction as I entered the room, Dad gave me a grin.

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