Chapter Four

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Dear Diary,

Kill me now. My life is officially over.

Turns out Helen from the newspaper has taken her jealousy over the editors position to new extremes, she decided to try and catch me out doing something wrong, God knows what she expected to catch me doing but she wanted me to lose my editor position. What she's actually cost me is much worse.

She caught me in a somewhat compromising position with Justin, and despite having nothing to go to the school with she decided to go for the next best thing, my brothers.

It is a well known fact amongst the male population at Sturgeon Bay High that the Black's sister is strictly off limits.

I hate Helen!

The boys showed up at my school and jumped Justin, he's got a broken nose and probably hates me now.

The boys have forbid any further interaction between me and Justin, they're working between themselves to ensure I always have a ride to school and a ride from school. Any activities outside of school hours will be chaperoned.

I've tried speaking to dad but he insists the boys have my best interests at heart.

I'm mortified and heartbroken.

I miss Justin so much, my plans have always included him. I just hope he'll wait for me. Once we're done with this town and away from my family we can be together, they can't control me forever.

God I hope they can't control me forever.


"Excuse me, Miss Steele." I knocked on the door of her classroom.

"Hey Frankie, come in." She greeted me with a smile, I walked into the classroom and sat in front of her desk. "How can I help you?"

"I was just wondering if you could help me with my search for Jennifer Black, my searches haven't brought up any useful leads. I can't find her on Facebook or in the phonebook. I wondered if you had any way to contact her." I asked hopefully, I was starting to become frustrated at the fact that others had managed to make contact with their matches and I'd yet to.

"The only thing I'll be able to track down will be the address she lived at when she attended school here." Miss Steele replied as she tapped into her computer, her brows furrowed as she typed. "It's not on the computer, I'll have to go in to the records room and find them manually, could you come back tomorrow to get the address?"

"Yes, thank you so much." I jumped up from my seat happily.

"No problem, come and see me tomorrow." She gave me a quick wave as I left the room and stepped out into the busy hallway.

"Hey babe!" Kevin called after me in the hallway, I spun around to face him, he jogged towards me and placed a kiss on my lips.

"Hi." I smiled as he reached me, his blonde hair framed his face perfectly.

"How did it go? You found your match yet?" He asked beginning to walk in step with me.

"No, mine seems like she doesn't want to be found, has Justin replied to your email yet?"

"Yeah I've arranged to meet him today." He stopped and grabbed my arm causing me to stop too. "I was wondering if you'd come with me?" I couldn't help but smile, pleased he wanted to spend time with me.

"Of course I'll go." I leaned up and pecked his lips.

"I'll pick you up about five from yours?"

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