Chapter Seventeen

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I felt like a bundle of nerves, excited and anxious at what Seth had planned for the evening. We'd made out, but it had never gone beyond that, and that was where my anxiety now stemmed from, I assumed Seth had plenty of experience and I was completely inexperienced and I couldn't tell whether he expected things to go further than before.

"Frankie, you look like you're on the verge of throwing up." Seth's voice interrupted my overthinking, his eyes darted between me and the road. "Just relax, I haven't got anything terrible planned, trust me." I nodded and tried to stop my racing mind.

The car came to a stop outside my house, the rain pelted off the car bonnet and roof.

"Ready to run?" He asked, pulling up the hood of his jacket, I nodded before pulling my hood up too. We jumped out and slammed the doors behind us, before racing across the lawn and onto the porch. I pulled my hood down and shook the rain off my jacket. We both stood on the porch watching the rain.

"Come on then, open up already." I said impatiently. Seth quickly reached into his jacket pocket retrieving the key.

"Close your eyes." He instructed as he put the key in the lock, I made a show of covering my eyes and allowed him to guide him into my home. He led me gently by my elbows, bringing me to a stop in the living room, he released me, the longing I had for him to hold me again made me feel pathetic. "Okay, open your eyes." He instructed.

I removed my hands from my eyes and blinked a few times for my eyes to adapt to the lighting. Fairy lights twinkled around the room, the blinds were drawn, an image of a fire crackled away on the television, all the other furniture had been pushed against the walls to create more floor space, a red and white checked blanket laid in the middle of the floor with a wicker picnic basket sat on top of it.

"Wow." I managed to whisper as tears pricked the corner of my eyes, I'd never seen someone make such a romantic gesture before, let alone had such a gesture made for me.

"Do you like it?" He asked nervously, I didn't hesitate to spin around and launch myself at him, my arms around his neck I rested my head against his chest.

"It's amazing." A shy smile spread across his lips. "You're amazing." I leaned up on my tiptoes to meet his lips, he didn't hesitate to kiss me back, his arm winding around my waist pulling me against his firm body, my lips parted and our tongues met, he took the lead kissing me slowly, bringing a hand up to gently hold the back of my neck.

As we parted I looked into his eyes and saw pure sincerity, my tummy flipped from that look alone.

"Come and sit down." He took my hand and led me to the picnic blanket. Seth began to reveal the treasures within the wicker basket, bread sticks, dips, vegetable sticks, fresh fruit, pasta and chicken legs were placed around the blanket in front of me.

"You done this all yourself?" I asked intrigued as I picked up a carrot stick.

"Don't sound so surprised, you don't spend your life around a diner without picking up a few tricks. Now eat up." He instructed passing over a paper plate, he didn't need to tell me twice, I quickly filled my plate and began to tuck in.

"This is so good." I commented on the chicken leg I'd began to devour.

"Thank you." He said as he bit into a celery stick.

"Have you done this for anyone else before?" I asked curiously.

"Frankie I've never done anything close to this with anyone." He admitted, I smiled slightly pleased about this. "Id never really had time for dating, nevermind a girlfriend, and now look at me, I'm whipped." He laughed, I swallowed hard.

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