Chapter Fourteen

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School had been pretty unbearable for the last week, everyone was talking about Brandi and Kevin's relationship and I'd pretty much become a social outcast, I'd even taken to eating lunch in the library after awkwardly looking around the lunch hall for a friendly face only to find there were none.

The week was finally coming to a close and the idle gossip of the halls were replaced with excited chatter and anticipation for tonight's homecoming dance.

I found myself once again sat in the library, the usual students who milled around in here must have been caught up in the hype because besides me and Mrs Skinner there wasn't a soul in the library.

My pen danced across the paper as twenty one pilots drowned out any chance of hearing my surroundings, I was completely in the zone as I worked my way through my calculus homework, it wasn't due for another week but I had time to kill.

A tap on my shoulder startled me and I spun around to see Ryan stood over me, a friendly smile on his face, I pulled out my earbuds and threw him a smile back.

"I wondered where you'd been hiding." He pulled out a chair beside me and sat down. "I take it you and Carla still aren't talking." A pang of sadness hit me at the thought she and I had spent the week ignoring the other one's existence.

"No." I shook my head lightly.

"I'm sure you guys will figure it out soon." He sounded sure of himself. "What you listening to?" He didn't wait for a response simple picked up my earbud and held it to his ear. "I approve." He nodded impressed. "You going homecoming tonight?"

"Definitely not."

"Why not?" He frowned. "You could always come with me, I could pick you up, we could go together." I took a big breath knowing my response could lose me my only ally.

"Ryan I like you I genuinely do." I began, unable to look him in the eye I looked at his hands placed on the table. "But I don't like you in that way." I kept my eyes on his hands and allowed the silence to penetrate the air.

"Obviously." Ryan laughed, surprised I looked up at his face where he had a smile on his lips. "I got the hint a long time ago but thanks for clearing that up, I'm well and truly friendzoned." He said with no malice. I couldn't help but breathe out a sigh of relief. "It would however be an honour to walk into the dance with my beautiful friend on my arm."

"You're so sweet Ryan." I gushed pulling him in for a hug. "My parents are going out of town tonight so I was going to say goodbye to them, I don't have a dress and I just don't think I'd be very good company."

"Okay." His optimistic nature not knocked. "Raincheck?"


"Come on, I'll walk you to class." He offered and I gathered up my books. "We could go see twenty one pilots together when they come to town, none of the guys are fans so I've never had anyone to go with."

"They clearly have no taste." I said in disgust as we headed into the hallways. "Sounds great."

As we walked through the halls I felt better than I had in days and hoped this meant things were looking up for me.


I stood on the curb watching my parent's cab fade further and further into the distance, I was officially on my own for the next fourteen days. Probably something that would put joy into the heart of most seventeen year olds but for me it was the same old scenario, although they did leave plenty of cash for food so I'd already decided on chinese takeout tonight and some trashy TV.

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