Chapter Seven

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We came to a stop outside Seth's house, he climbed out silently and came around to my door, before pulling it open, I sat just looking at him stood by the open door.

"You coming in?" He asked, I'd wrongly assumed I'd be waiting in the car.

"Oh yeah." I fumbled with the seat belt before climbing out of the car and heading to the front door.

Blossom came bounding to the door and jumped up at both of our legs, desperately seeking attention.

"You can wait in there while I get changed." He gestured to the lounge, I walked through the doorway with Blossom jumping around behind me.

As I took my seat on the old but comfy sofa Blossom sat by my feet, still longing to be stroked, I picked her up and placed her on my lap, stroking her soft chocolate fur.

"Don't let Seth see you doing that." A voice startled me, I turnt to where a man with slightly greying dark hair wearing overalls stood in the doorway, holding a plate of steaming lasagna.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know she wasn't allowed." I tried to shift Blossom off my lap but she now refused to budge.

The guy gave me a friendly smile and walked in the lounge, dropping into the armchair opposite me, he leaned over and fed Blossom a piece of his meal.

"I won't tell if you won't." He winked before leaning back in his chair and continuing to tuck into his food.

"You must be Seth's dad." I said looking to introduce myself.

"No, his dad is no longer with us." He looked solemn and I instantly felt guilty.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have assumed." He waved his hand as if to say 'don't worry'.

"I'm his uncle JB." He wiped his hand on his overalls before reaching out to shake mine.

"Frankie." I announced shaking his hand.

"JB, what are you doing here?" Seth asked as he came into the lounge having changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Blossom jumped off my lap and laid on the floor sheepishly.

"I came to get my grub on." He gestured to the plate in his hand.

"Mom's gonna kill you for not eating at the table."

"I'm not scared of your mom." He laughed. "Besides, I was keeping your girl company."

"I'm not his girl."

"She's not my girl." We both protested in unison. JB simply laughed and nodded.

"Okay, I get it." He got up and headed towards the door. "Nice to meet you Frankie."

"Let's go." Seth said sharply, a change in his demeanour, I quickly stood and followed him out to the car, Blossom followed behind.

The journey to mine was filled with a tension that wasn't previously present, the relaxed version of Seth had disappeared.

When we climbed out of the car at my house Seth wasted no time heading round the side of the house to the backyard. I headed in the house quickly running upstairs and throwing on yoga pants and a vest.

I opened the door to the backyard and Barley tore out of the door, I joined Seth on the lawn as the dogs rolled around together and began running into the bushes.

"So what's the first step?" I asked Seth brightly, trying my best to disintegrate the tension.

"You'll need treats." He said not taking his eyes off the dogs, I quickly ran into the kitchen grabbing a box of gravy bones before rejoining them. Seth turnt to face me, still appearing to be in his sullen mood.

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