Chapter Two

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"Sorry Miss, I'm here." I said breathlessly as I came to a stop under a tree where our group had gathered.

"That's fine Frankie." Miss Steele said as she stood with the sleeves of her pink sweater rolled up and a shovel in her hand. I mentally kicked myself for getting caught up in the middle of one of Carla and Ben's daily dramas. "What we are about to unveil is a piece of history, it may not seem that long ago but a lot can change in eighteen years, the people who wrote these diaries were just like you eighteen years ago." I nodded along, understanding the importance of this to Miss Steele.

She took the shovel and began to dig into the ground, we all stood around her, anxiously waiting to see the buried treasure she held in such high regard.

With each new pile of earth Miss Steele dug up you could feel the anticipation ebbing away, the crowd of students who were eagerly stood around her now sat around on the grass, most of them tapping away on their phones. I had to hand it to her though, she had managed to dig a pretty impressively hole single handedly.

"Miss do you mind if I go?" Kevin asked rising to his feet and looking around bored, a few of the others looked on hopefully. Miss Steele huffed and dropped the shovel on the ground.

"Yes, of course." She looked defeated. "We'll reconvene in my classroom tomorrow afternoon." Sofia, Theo and Rebecca didn't need any telling twice and quickly headed off, I stayed put planning on taking pictures of the box being unearthed for the school newspaper.

"C'mon Frank let's go." Kevin said looking at down at me expectedly as he dusted down his jeans.

"I'm gonna stay, I need to get some photos so I can make a start on my article." He said rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. I'm hungry." He shrugged his shoulders and began moving towards the school.

"Hold up Kevin." Brandi suddenly hopped to her feet. "I'll come grab lunch with you." He nodded and she quickly caught up to where he was, his long braids swinging behind her as they began their walk to the cafeteria.

"Bitch." I said almost silently.

"Heard that." Miss Steele said with a kind smile.

"Hey Miss Steele." A cheerful voice greeted her,I looked up and spotted Ryan walking across the grass towards us. "You need some help there?" He offered dropping his backpack on the grass, she beamed at him.

"You are a true gentleman Ryan, that would be great." He reached down and offered her a hand out of the hole. "I'll be back in a few minutes Frankie." She said pushing her highlighted hair off her face, accidentally leaving a trail of soil across her forehead, she quickly headed towards the school building.

I eyed Ryan suspiciously as he began to dig, I knew him through Ben, we hadn't socilaised together often so this was a little awkward, I wondered if maybe he had a thing for Miss Steele, or dug with purpose, beads of sweat began to form on his brow just under his black hair.

"You'll let me know when I find what I'm digging for right?" He asked as the shovel hit the dirt again.

"Yeah, of course." I assured him, and watched a little longer in silence as he continued.

"You're staring, am I doing something wrong?" He asked suddenly coming to a stop and turning to face me.

"Why'd you offer to help?" I asked curiously.

"Because Miss Steele looked like she could use some help." He replied confused. "What are you even doing out here?"

"Digging up a time capsule."

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