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One year later.

"Finally!" Carla said as the video call connected. "I've been trying to get a hold of you for days!"

"I'm sorry." I replied as I sat down heavily at my desk. "I've been so busy. College is kicking my butt."

"Mine too! But I can't wait for summer, I get to see you!"

"I can't wait, I've missed you and Ben." I admitted, although I'd made friends quite easily I was still feeling slightly homesick, which is ironic for someone who has spent a large chunk of their life moving around.

"We miss you too and Ryan! Where is he anyway?" Carla asked her eyes flitting around the screen looking for him, he'd joined me in New York, much to my delight, he was studying at the New York college of arts, and his work was really starting to get quite a following. It made sense for us to share an apartment whilst we were both here in New York.

"He was going to an exhibit that opened in the village."

"In the village." Carla rolled her eyes. "You're talking like a native New Yorker already." I giggled at her. Keys rattling in the door brought a kaleidoscope of butterflies to life in my tummy. The door opened and Seth walked in, his arms laden with brown paper bags, hair disheveled from walking up the numerous flights of stairs. "Hi Seth!" Carla called through the phone, Seth dropped the bags on the kitchen worktop before coming over to stand behind me.

"Hey Carla." He gave her a small wave.

"You still looking after my girl?" She asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm looking after my girl." He replied, placing a kiss on top of my head. Carla had sternly warned him after our reconciliation that if I cried any tears other than happy tears in the future she would castrate him with a pair of rusty scissors, he's stayed true to his word so far, showering me with love and affection between his business classes at community college and his hours working in the kitchen at his uncle's restaurant.

I mean we had teething problems in the beginning with moving to another state and sharing an apartment with another guy, Seth had felt the need to make sure Ryan knew we were together and were serious about each other. Once Seth realised there was nothing but friendship between us he seemed to settle into our living situation and became much more relaxed, more so when Ryan began to date first Georgina followed in quick succession by Jeremy.

"Did you tell her the news?" Seth asked me quietly, Carla immediately sat up and her eyes widened.

"I didn't know if it was too soon."

"What? I don't care if it's too soon, I demand to know immediately." She said, her voice an octave higher, Seth nudged me and nodded.

"Okay but keep it lowkey for now, don't need the whole town knowing yet." Carla nodded. "Seth is going to be a big brother."

"What? When?" Carla shrieked.

"It's early days but Justin and Jen came to visit us a few weeks ago and told us then." I looked at Seth who gave me a heart stopping smile.

"That's amazing, congratulations." Carla beamed.

"If you see her, don't mention it." Seth softly warned, and Carla nodded before letting out a little laugh.

"I bet Jen can't believe what a U-turn her life has taken over the past year."

"I don't think any of us would have predicted it a year and a half ago, any of this." Seth nodded.

"Some things are meant to be." Carla added looking a little awestruck. "I'm gonna go, speak to you soon guys." Carla waved before disconnecting the call. I couldn't help letting out a little sad sigh as the call ended.

"You okay?" Seth asked crouching in front of me, his dark hair framing his face messily.

"It just makes you think, if we'd never done that project so much would be different, it's a scary thought."

"But it did happen, and I'll be forever grateful to Miss Steele for setting that project, he sent my life hurtling in a new and better direction." Seth leaned forward to leave a chaste kiss on my lips. "Who would have guessed my happy ending sat in the contents of a time capsule."


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