Chapter Five

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I shook my head trying to disperse all the curse words flying around, I had to focus on the task at hand.

I spun around and observed the house I've been left outside of, the light blue paint was peeling in various places, the screen door was hanging off by one hinge and the lawn was overgrown with weeds.

I took a few cautious steps towards the property, I was half expecting a scene from a horror movie to unfold the closer I got to the house but nothing remotely eerie occurred, I kept my nerve and approached the front door before knocking loudly.

A dog began to bark from inside, heavy footsteps accompanied the barks before the door swung open, I looked at the person before me taken aback, Seth Anderson, in a state of undress.

"S...Seth." I stammered, he raised an eyebrow at me and stared at me confused.

"Yes." He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Hi." I said in an almost girlish tone that made me want to kick myself. I cleared my throat and regained my composure. "I'm looking for a woman called Jennifer Black, I was told she might live here."

"You were told wrong." He said before swinging the door shut. I stood on the doorstep, shocked at his bluntness. This whole evening had not gone as expected, I needed to get back home and forget this night ever happened. I sat on the porch steps and pulled out my cell before ordering an uber.

I groaned when I read that my pick up time was 17 minutes, unfortunately I had no other option but to wait. I put my phone away again and crossed my arms across my chest in a bid to stay warm as the temperature continued to drop.

Ten minutes later I checked my phone again to see the waiting time had increased. I resumed my mundane activity of looking at the stars. I was startled when the front door slowly opened.

"Stalkers are meant to be better at hiding you know." Seth said leaning against the doorframe now fully dressed in a pair of basketball shorts and a grey t-shirt, his dark hair a shade darker due to it being damp.

"I'm not stalking you." I huffed not bothering to turn around and face him.

"Well then what are you doing sat on my doorstep?"

"I'm waiting for an uber."

"An uber? I thought you drove."

"I do drive, but I was dropped off here."

"Wait. You're telling me that someone drove you to a strangers house at night and didn't even bother to stick around to see what happened? They just left you without a ride?" He seemed genuinely shocked and I just nodded. "Stand up."

"What?" I asked confused by the man who ten minutes ago slammed the door in my face. A look of annoyance appeared on his face.

"Seriously Chambers this isn't a nice neighbourhood, get inside." He opened the door wider signaling for me to go in. I stood up and dusted myself down before heading inside.

The unwelcoming vibe from the outside done the interior no justice, it was warm and welcoming, it reminded me of a real family home, nic nacs cluttered shelves, trophies and family pictures on display on every available surface, it didn't have the same clinical feel my house had. Seth closed the door behind me and headed into the lounge.

"Cancel your uber." He instructed me.

"What? Why?"

"So many questions all the time." He exasperated. "I'm taking you home, it's not safe for a girl to get an uber alone."

"I'll be fine." I insisted.

"This isn't a debate, just do as I say." He said firmly, before adding in a softer tone. "Please." I nodded and pulled my phone out of my pocket. A chocolate fur ball bounded up the hallway and danced around my feet, excitedly balancing on her two back legs.

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