Chapter Eight

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Dear Diary,

My pregnancy symptoms have kicked in. I've been throwing up most days, I'm totally exhausted and my sense of smell is on par with a sniffer dog's, which believe me isn't great when you live in a house with five men!

I still haven't decided what to do, I was doing a pretty good job of ignoring the fact I had a womb invader until the morning sickness kicked in.

I haven't been able to get in touch with Justin, and he's been giving me a wide berth too, I'm guessing my brothers really done a number on him. I just have no idea what his opinion would be, we'd never discussed babies, and I mean why would we have? We're only seventeen.

I even tried to get one of his teammates to pass a note on for me and he just refused, said he wouldn't get involved after the state my brothers had left him in.

School has been pretty unbearable with all the whispers over about our break up, every rumour is more obscure than the last. You can just imagine the field day they'd have if they found out about the pregnancy.

I was thinking of talking to the school counsellor but I'm not sure if they'd have to inform my family and I just can't deal with that at the moment.

The position I find myself in is incredibly lonely, but I think the best thing is to keep the whole thing between us for now, until I've decided what to do.


"Miss Steele." I called out as I entered the history classroom. She popped her head out from behind an open cupboard door.

"Frankie, I thought you'd forgotten about me." She joked, closing the cupboard door.

"I'm sorry it slipped my mind on friday, I had a lead but it turned out to be a dead end." I explained. She walked back towards her desk smoothing down the creases on her skirt.

"Oh that's a shame, but never fear Miss Steele is here." She gave a little snort of laughter obviously pleased with her joke. "I've got the address for you." She beamed before shuffling through a pile of papers on her desk. "Ah ha!" She exclaimed as she withdrew the paper she was looking for, she walked across the room and handed it to me.

I looked down at the paper and read the address '224 clearview drive', I felt disappointment surge through my body, my shoulders began to sag in defeat.

"I had the same address, she doesn't live there anymore." I told Miss Steele handing the paper back to her, she looked disappointed to hear this and sat down heavily in her chair, she motioned for me to join her.

"I'm so sorry Frankie, I wish I had more information but all I've got is ancient information." She drummed her nails on a desk looking at the ceiling for information. "What more do you have to go on? Does she mention friends? Family?" She sat up in her chair suddenly enthused.

I reached for the journal placed in my bag and began flipping through the pages, scanning pages for names.

"She mentions Justin, alot, but he doesn't know where she is, he only had her old address. Helen but she's more of an enemy than a friend. Her dad but I don't know his name." My head snapped up to look at Miss Steele. "What about trying to find her brothers?" She nodded and tapped away on her keyboard.

"Great let's find them." I pulled my chair to sit beside her and she opened up her Facebook account. Her profile picture was one of her stood in a bikini, cocktail in hand, it was like an alternative reality compared to her demure look in school.

"I assume all of their surnames will be Black, so we've got Jesse, Kyle, Daniel, Joshua and Matthew."

I sat with Miss Steele as she began to type their names into the search bar, we scanned each potential brother in a nearby proximity before Miss Steele fired off the same message to all.

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