Chapter Twelve

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The following morning I left the house extra early to avoid the possibility of Seth turning up and trying to give me a ride, it's not that I don't like spending time with Seth, even though the lines are beginning to blur, but now I'm so concerned that I could accidentally blurt out what I'm meant to keep in, I could unknowingly blow his world apart, and I don't want to do that.

I arrived at my desk in the newspaper office and was greeted by a pile of papers left for me by other students on the project, an array of photos and handwritten notes to help me with my article. There was a distinct lack of information or photographs from Brandi, but I'd imagine she'd do anything she could to make my life harder.

I fired up my laptop and began tapping away at the keys, adding the photographs and including information I'd managed to gain on my own interviews with Justin and Jennifer. I was in the zone, it's my favourite way to be, all my energy, all my focus flowing through my fingers.

"Hey, why aren't you in class?" My work was interrupted by Miss Steele who was now stood in the doorway, my eyes flicked up to the clock on the wall and I silently cursed as I realised I was ten minutes late.

"Sorry, I lost track of time." I rushed to save my work and put away my laptop and papers before heading to the door.

"Whose class are you late for?"

"Mr Duncan's." I mentally cursed again, he hated tardiness.

"I'll walk with you." She said a little flushed. We began the walk towards my class, I noticed I was walking slightly faster than Miss Steele who seemed to be walking at a casual pace. "Did you ever track down Jennifer?" Her voice echoed off the empty hallway walls.

"I did." I nodded, she smiled obviously pleased with the answer.

"I'm really looking forward to the presentation, I think it's going to be really interesting." She has no idea.

"I hope so." I tried hard to clear the awkward image in my mind of Jennifer and Justin sharing a stage in front of their son, oh God and Seth has no idea, I can't tell him.

"Here we are." Miss Steele said as we arrived outside Mr Duncan's class. "Follow my lead." She knocked on the door and pushed it open, Mr Duncan's scowl softened when he saw who had disrupted his class. "Sorry Mr Duncan, Frankie was helping me with something." I tried to hide my shock at Miss Steele's blatant lie.

"Sorry sir." I muttered, rather than throwing a sarcastic comment in my direction or a look of distaste his face broke out into a grin.

"Not to worry, take a seat Franklin." The use of my full name creeped me out, but I overlooked it hoping to shoot to the back of the room without too many glances.

As I neared my desk Seth was sat in his seat, a smirk on his face.

"Mr Duncan's got it bad." He said quietly as I sat down beside him. I screwed my nose up in confusion. "Mr Duncan and Miss Steele." He jerked his head towards the door where they were both stood talking in hushed voices, he was right, Miss Steele stood blushing and playing with her hair whilst Mr Duncan stood looking at her with a broad smile on his face.


"Where were you this morning? I stopped by to see if you needed a ride but there was no answer." He asked turning his attention to me.

"I had some stuff to catch up on." I said keeping my eyes on the front of the room.

"Is this about what happened yesterday?" He asked lowering his voice, it has everything to do with yesterday, and the last seventeen years of your life, I would love to say but instead I shake my head. "Frankie, what is it? You can tell me." There was a sense of urgency to Seth's voice, I ignored it, I couldn't betray Jen, but yet I sat here and betrayed Seth, being in such close proximity to him was proving difficult. To know the boy sat beside me still gets angry, still grieves for the man who he believed was his biological father, when there was another man so close by who would love to be a father to him. And I know he'll hate me for not telling him, I feel like I could lose him whichever way this goes. And then the doubt begins to creep in, what if I've got it wrong? What if Justin knew all along? What if he just refuses to admit he has a son? But then what if he doesn't know? What if they've been denied a relationship all these years?

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