Chapter 1

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"How's my favorite witch of all time?"

You wake up to your brother Dylan shaking you.

"Dylan what do you want?" You said sleepily

"We are going to Diagon Alley!!!" Dylan said very excitedly. You jumped out of bed and searched your room for an outfit and found the perfect one. You got changed and ran downstairs and saw your mother making breakfast.

"Good morning sleepyhead."

"Good morning mum"

"One pancake or two?"

"Two please." Your mum handed you two pancakes and syrup. You ate your breakfast and put your shoes on. "Are we apparating or using floo powder?"

"Do you think we are some gross blood-traitors like the Weasleys, of course we are going to apparate!" My mum has always been a person who believes that if you are a pure-blood like us you are better than everyone else. If I even talk to a muggle born wizard or witch I am a blood-traitor so I guess a lot of people from Hogwarts are out of my friend circle.

"Okay, Y/n come on." I walk over to my mum and held her hand and I heard a crack like noise and then I felt like I was being squeezed into a tiny tube so I close my eyes. When I opened my eyes we are at the Leaky Cauldron. My mum walks out the back door and taps a pattern on the bricks with her wand and it opens up to see a beautiful place full of people and shops. "Dylan take Y/n to Ollivanders, I'm going to Gringotts to get some money."

"Yes Mother." Dylan takes my hand and drags me to Ollivander's then someone pushes me over, hopefully on accident and my hand slips from Dylan's grasp.

"Oh I'm sorry, I should of watched where I was going" A young boy with red hair and dirt on his nose said.

"Ya, you should of." Dylan said and pulled me up. I gave the boy a look that read 'sorry-about-him.' We walked the rest of the way to Ollivander's and walked in. A bell rang and then a man came out on a ladder.

"Ah, Miss Y/l/n. I wondered when I would be seeing you." I gave Dylan a look and he just smiled at me. "Let's see, not a dogwood that doesn't seem to fit your personality. AHA perfect." He hands me the wand and I flick it. A vase shattered. "Oh dear, not quite." He hands me another wand. "Ash wood, Dragon heartstring, 9 3/4 long and swishy flexibility." I gave it a wave and it lit up around me. "There it is! 7 galleons please." I hand him the money and walk out.

When we get out of Ollivander's we go to the pet shop and I bought a cat and named it Oreo. We walked out of the pet store and saw our mum so we walked over there. Our house elf named Krabby was there and held on to the boxes my mum bought for Dylan and I. Next to my mum I see platinum blond hair so I run up behind them and jump on Draco's back.

"Who are you!?" Draco said angrily and then realized it was me. "How's my favorite witch of all time?"

"Great! Hows my favorite wizard of all time?"

"Fabulous!" We laughed and saw our parents whispering and looking at use. We gave them a weird look and they stopped. "I will see you on the train okay?"


We apparated back home and then I went to bed.

Its Complicated   Year 1 (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now