Chapter 14

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This chapter is dedicated towards Alpacalypse ! She made my book cover and I love it! Everyone go read her stories, they are great!

"My princess"

Draco P.O.V

Y/n said said she wasn't mad at me but I can help but feel guilty. I really hurt her. What I said was completely out of line, but I'm glad we are on talking terms again.

"Draco! Draco, wait up!" I turned around and saw Y/n running towards me. She stopped in front of me to get me to stop walking.

"How may I be of service Miss. Y/l/n?" I said while I, what's it called, rolled my hand and bowed? She laughed and curtsied. My princess. Wait no! No, no, no! She was only a friend.

"I need help with Kade. We haven't talked much recently and I want to hang out with all my old Slytherin friends." That idea made me happy. I missed her in Slytherin but she was a much better Gryffindor.

"Okay, what do you need me to do?"

"Can you get Blaise, Kade, even Crabbe and Goyle and a few more of my friends and tell them to meet me at the Black Lake?" She looked so excited. I nodded my head meaning yes. "Thank you!" She hugged me and ran off. Well, I better hop to it then.

I looked around for Kade first and luckily enough he was with Blaise.

"Hello. Y/n wants to have a get together with all her old friends. She told me to invite you two specifically." I said acting in my "cool boy" manner.

"Of course we will come!" Blaise said. He seemed very excited and Kade was smiling brightly. Now I know why she likes him so much. He was very handsome. I don't mean it like that! I just mean that they would look good together. They were both attractive, especially Y/n. Why couldn't she like me though?

Your P.O.V

I'm so excited. Draco is getting all of my friends to come and I will invite all my Gryffindor friends! I was walking into the Great Hall when Harry came running over to me.

"Y/n! I need to talk to you." I was very confused. What could be so urgent?

"Ya, let's go in the hall." We walked out into the hallway. He pulled me around the corner.

"Last night, I used my cloak to get into the restricted section." I nodded and waved my hand, motioning for him to keep going. "I saw Quirrell and Snape having an argument about where Quirrell's loyalty lies!"

"I knew it! I always had this feeling about Quirrell. He seems to be a bit um... how do I say it? Bonkers!" I always knew there was something weird about him and now my suspicions were correct!

"No it's Snape! What if he was trying to get Quirrell to turn to the dark side?" I shook my head no.

"Harry you have to keep your grudges out of this. It's so obvious that something is off with him."

"Whatever. But guess what else I found!" Harry was now jumping up and down at this point. This made me even more curious.

"And what was that?" I said.

"I found this mirror. It showed me with my parents! What if it shows the future Y/n? What if they aren't really dead!" Harry said excitedly.

"Harry I'm sorry but your parents are dead. Was Ron with you?" Ron and Harry were always together so I'm guessing Ron saw something.

"Ya he was. He said he saw himself as quidditch captain and head boy." That was it! It showed the viewers deepest desires. Of course Harry wanted his parents back and Ron wanted to be quidditch captain. I never guessed head boy though.

"Harry, it shows your deepest desires." Harry shook his head no.

"No! It shows the future Y/n!" At that he ran away. Ugh! Boys are so dumb.

I went back into the Great Hall and saw all my friends. I was about to go over to Fred and George but then I realized that this should be a night for my Slytherin friends and I. I went over to the Slytherin table and sat next to Kade.

"I know I'm not supposed to be over here but did Draco tell you about hanging out?" I asked Kade and Blaise.

"Ya! We are all coming." Blaise said. I smiled.

"Thank you guys!" I waved and ran off to my favorite twins. "Ello boys!"

"Hello Y/n!" They said in sync. I noticed Harry next to them. I smiled awkwardly. He nodded back.

"I might be a little busy tonight. I am hanging out with all my old friends!" I said excitedly.

"Have fun, LP!" George said.

"But still, watch out for those snakes!" Fred continued.

"You never know" George said spookily

"When they will" I laughed at Fred. He got stuck with saying the boring part.

"ATTACK!" They said in unison. I jumped and they both started laughing. I smiled even though I tried not too.

"Lord you two. You almost gave me a heart attack! But anyway, I will see you guys later!"

"See ya!" I loved the twins. They always knew how to brighten the mood.

Its Complicated   Year 1 (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now