Chapter 15

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"She is way out of my league anyway."

Your P.O.V

I'm so excited! The walk to the Black Lake isn't to far. It was a little walk but it's exercise I guess. Someone grabbed my arm while I was in thoughts.

"Hey! Watch it!" I was frightened for sure because I didn't know who it was. It turns out it was just Harry.

"Sorry Y/n. I wanted to ask you if you would go to the mirror with me tonight. I want to know what you see." Harry said.

"Harry, if I go tonight will you drop this whole mirror thing?" Harry nodded. I sighed. "Okay. I will go." He smiled and ran off. The mirror is going to be the death of him.

I arrived at the lake and I saw Draco and Kade already there.

"Hey guys! You are early." They smiled and I noticed they laid out a big picnic for everyone. "Did you guys do this?"

"Yeah, Blaise ran to go get more food. We thought you would appreciate it." Draco said.

"Wow Draco, I didn't know you had it in you." I chuckled. He is normally never this nice, but I guess it is me. I am really lucky to have him.

"This is great! Thank you all so much!" I was smiling from ear to ear. This boys will always be my best friends. I looked up the hill and saw Pansy, the Quidditch team and Crabbe and Goyle all walking down.

"Thank you all for coming!" I said. Slytherin has such a bad rep but in reality it's so great. The people here are nice once you get to know them. I will never be ashamed of being in Slytherin. I just love being in Gryffindor more. "Dig in guys!" Blaise showed up about 2 minutes later with the rest of the food.

After we ate we made snow angels. I know, we had a picnic in snow. It was fun but very cold. Luckily the blanket was waterproof. It was nice hanging out with all of them. Pansy and I don't have the best history but we definitely made up today.

Blaise P.O.V

Y/n is great and I love her, but only as a friend right now. She is way out of my league anyway.

"So Y/n, how is being a Gryffindor?" I asked. She is a great Slytherin but you could tell that it just wasn't a good fit for her.

"It is great! I definitely miss being a Slytherin though. I mostly miss my friends. You all are so great and now I don't get to see you all as much." She looked sad. I should definitely change the subject.

"What's it like playing Quidditch in your first year?" This interested me very much. My friend was a first year playing Quidditch! This would be in the history books for sure!

"It is weird but also amazing. I have wanted to play on the team for forever and now I get too. It's honestly a dream come true. It just sucks that I have to play with Gryffindor next year and not Slytherin, but I mean at least I can play." She was smiling again. That made me feel better. I am not a very good conversation starter I guess.

Y/n P.O.V

This is fun. I missed everyone a lot. Slytherin is honestly the most misunderstood house. People just need to give it a chance. Yeah sure, some Slytherins are jerks but they try to look cool. I know it isn't cool but do they know that? I love all of them and I'm sad this moment has to end but I have to go meet up with Harry and Ron for some info on Nicholas Flamel. Apparently they talked to Hagrid about what was under the trapdoor and he accidently said that it had to do with this man named Nicholas Flamel. I recognize his name but I can't put a finger on it. Oh well.

Thank you all for 900 reads! It means a lot.

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