Chapter 2

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"Have any of you seen a toad?"

I woke up and got dressed, once I was dressed I noticed a note on my desk.

Dear y/n,

Once you wake up and get dressed, walk to the Malfoy's house. We are going to Kings Cross Station together.

Love Mum.

You groaned because you didn't feel like walking there today but whatever. You got your shoes on and walked to Malfoy Manor. The door was opened by their house elf Dobby.

"Good morning Miss. Y/l/n"

"Good morning Dobby" You were always nice to Dobby because the Malfoys treated him horribly so Dobby was like a friend to you. You look up to see Lucius.

"Good morning Mr.Malfoy" You said with a smile.

"Good morning Y/N." He patted your back and smiled. You've never Lucius look so happy so you were a little nervous. You walked to one of the living rooms and sat down on a couch next to Dylan and Draco.

"Finally." Draco said under his breath. You elbowed him in the side and he smirked.

"Ok children hold an adult's hand to apparate." Lucius said. You held Narcissa's hand and you heard a crack then you were at Kings Cross Station along with many other muggles and magic folk. You followed Dylan to platform 9 3/4 and ran through the wall. You have done it before so you knew what to expect. You turn around and Draco is there then Lucius then Narcissa. Draco put an arm over your shoulder, seeing as that he was taller than you and you walked to the train. You hugged your mum and then boarded the train. You sat in a compartment with boys who go by Crabbe and Goyle and a boy named Blaise.

"Hello, I'm Draco Malfoy"

"Hi, I'm Blaise, This is Crabbe and Goyle, and who are you?"

"Um, I'm Y/n." Blaise smiled and started to blush as you sat next to him and across from Draco. Narcissa and your mum always said you were very pretty for your age and so I guess Blaise thought so too.

"So, Y/n what are you most excited for this year?" Blaise said smiling.

"I don't know, probably potions." Blaise raised an eyebrow a you. "What?" You said smiling.

"Nothing, nothing at all" Everyone started to laugh because of how akward it got then a girl with poofy brown hair knocked on the compartment door. You slid the door open and raised an eyebrow.

"Have any of you seen a toad?"

"What?" You said laughing.

"Have. You. Seen. A. Toad?" She said it like you were stupid.

"Ya I'm staring right at one" I only said that because you felt offended but I felt really bad after. Draco snorted because he was laughing so hard and Blaise was crying then the girl slammed the door shut and left.

"That was amazing Y/n. You taught that mudblood a lesson!" Said Draco. You were kinda thrown off by his language but your brother says stuff like that too so you let it slide.

So much for a drama free year.

Its Complicated   Year 1 (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now