Chapter 17

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"Y/l/n, you are not as bad as you look."

"Good evening." Professor McGonagall said. I'm going to murder Draco. Not actually, but you get the point.

"Aloha, Professor. You see we were just finding my cat Oreo. He ran downstairs so we checked outside and asked Hagrid if he has seen him." I smiled innocently. Hopefully she buys it.

She motioned for us to come into her office. We followed but by the look on her face she didn't believe me.

"Nothing. I repeat, nothing gives a student the right to walk about the school at night. Therefore, as punishment for your actions, fifty points will be take." McGonagall finishes. I gape at her. I didn't even hear the rest of the conversation. I was to busy glaring at Draco until I saw his face change to a surprised expression.

"All five of you will receive detention." AHA! YES! He gets detention too.

"Excuse me professor. Perhaps I heard you wrong. I thought you said the five of us." That idiot.

"No, you heard me correctly, Mr. Malfoy. You see, honorable as your intentions were. You too were out of bed after hours. You will join your classmates in detention."

Serves him right. I started to laugh.

"You see Draco, snitches get stitches!" Hermione laughed at the muggle saying. Draco glared at me and stormed off.

"Now off to bed. All of you!" McGonagall yells.


"A pity they let the old punishments die. There was a time detention would find you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons. God, I miss the screaming." Filch said. He is actually psycho.

"I know right! I totally would of enjoyed that." I said sarcastically. Everyone picked up on the sarcasm except Filch.

"No one has ever agreed with me! Y/l/n, you are not as bad as you look." I laughed and Ron joined in. The others just stared at us.

We made it to Hagrid's hut and I saw him crying.

"Mate, what's wrong?" I asked. He just shook his head.

"A sorry lot this is, Hagrid. Except Miss. Y/l/n." Hagrid sighed. "Oh, good God, man. You aren't still on about that bloody dragon, are you?"

"Norbert's gone. Dumbledore sent him off to Romania to live in a colony." Hagrid said sadly. Poor Hagrid. You could see how much he loved Norbert.

"Well, that's good, isn't it? He'll be with his own kind." Hermione said.

"Yeah, but what if he don't like Romania? What if the other dragons are mean to him? He's only a baby after all."

"Oh, for God's sake, pull yourself together, man. You're going into the forest, after all. Got to have your wits about you." Filch said.

"The forest? I thought that was a joke. We can't go in there. Students aren't allowed. And there are-" We heard a howl. "Werewolves!" Draco exclaimed. This boy is such a coward. I can't believe him right now.

"There's more than werewolves in those trees, lad. You can be sure of that." Okay, Filch is starting to creep me out. Not about the forest but about him. I get goosebumps whenever I get within six feet of him. "Nighty-Night." Filch walked off, leaving us with Hagrid.

"Right. Let's go." We all followed Hagrid down this scary trail. The trees had no leaves, so you could see everything. You could hear a pen drop. Luckily Fang was with us. I could hear his panting and it took my mind off the noises.

Hagrid dipped his hand into a silver puddle. Wait! That's unicorn blood. I read about unicorns.

"Hagrid. Why is there unicorn blood?" I asked. Killing a unicorn is terrible.

"Well Y/n. That's what we are here for. Look everyone. This is unicorn blood. I found one dead a few weeks ago. Now, this one's been hurt bad by something." Everyone looked around and we heard another howl. "So, it's our job to go and find the poor beast." We all looked very nervous. I mean, what if the deadly creature is still out there? "Ron, Hermione. You go with me. Harry, Draco you two are together. And Y/n and Fang. Fang would protect you with his life so don't be nervous.

I'm alone! We all know Fang will run away. I just shrugged and followed the path, Fang by my side.

We walked for around ten minutes until I saw something. It looked like a wolf. I stealthily walked up to it. It was hurt. I knelt down beside it and used a charm to heal it's wound. I stood up and nudged me with its nose and ran off.

"That was a very impressive. Y/l/n is it?" A voice said. I looked around scared.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" I yelled. I tried to sound brave but in reality I was terrified.

"If you say so." A snake came out from under a bush. "This is me."

"I can understand you? I speak parseltongue?" The snake nodded.

"My name is Nagini-" The snake got cut off as I heard Draco screaming.

"I'm so sorry! I have to go!" The snake nodded and slithered away. That was odd.

I ran towards the voice and ran into Draco.

"Are you okay?" I asked. He nodded but pointed towards where he ran. "Did you leave Harry?" I whisper shouted. He nodded. "Fang let's go!" I ran towards Harry and saw a centaur next to him. I look up and see Hagrid with the rest of the group.

"Hello there, Firenze. I see you've met our young Mr. Potter. You alright there Harry?" Harry nodded.

"Harry Potter, this is where I leave you. You're safe now. Good luck." Firenze said as he walked away.

"Thank you, Firenze!" I shouted. He nodded and ran off. I ran towards Harry and engulfed him in a hug.

"Sorry Draco is such a bloody coward. If it weren't for his screams of terror, I never would of found you though." I said laughing. Harry chuckled and we walked back up to the castle.


We reached the Gryffindor common room.

"I would love to stay and chat but this queen needs her beauty sleep." The all said goodnight as I ran upstairs to my dormitory. I got changed into my pajamas and went to bed.

Its Complicated   Year 1 (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now