Chapter 9

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"Only my favorite person in the world."

I woke up to Hermione hitting me with a pillow. I groaned and then sat up. "Why do I have to get up this early?" I asked irritated. I saw Hermione roll her eyes.

"Y/n, we are 20 minutes late, so get up right now or face the wrath of Harry and Ron, who have been waiting for 10 minutes now." I groaned and took a shower and changed my clothes. I brushed my teeth and headed downstairs.

"Finally Y/n, we thought you were dead." Ron said. I chuckled and jumped on his back.

"Take me to the Great Hall, Ronald!" I said in a Queen sort of tone. Ron started to run and I was laughing. I saw Hermione on Harry's back. I smiled at them. They were cute together. We ran into the Great Hall and Ron put me down. I ran over to the Slytherin table to see the team. I ran behind Kade and put my hands over his eyes. "Guess who?" I said. He smiled and pulled my hands off his eyes.

"Only my favorite person in the world." Kade said. I laughed and took a piece of bacon from his plate. "Hey! That's my bacon!" Kade said. He put his hand on his heart and acted hurt. I laughed and then turned to Flint.

"Hey Flint!" I smiled. He smiled back. He may not of been the most attractive but his personality was good.

"Hello Y/n. We have a game today against Gryffindor. You are still on the Slytherin team so don't take it easy on the Gryffindorks." Flint said the last word with disgust. I rolled my eyes but shrugged it off.

"I'm gonna play fair and square." I said. Kade smiled at me. I waved bye to them and sat next to Ron. I started to pile my plate with food and then I noticed Harry's plate was empty. "You should really eat you know, you need your strength. You're playing against me, so eat every crumb on that plate so you at least stand a chance." I said and pushed my hair out of my face over dramatically.

"I'm not hungry anyway so it doesn't matter." Harry said dully.

"Good luck today Potter." Snape said. My head shot up and I smiled at Snape. He smiled back and then looked at Harry again. "Well you have proven yourself against a Mountain Troll so I'm sure Quidditch will be easy for you, even if its against Slytherin. I don't expect Y/l/n to take it easy on you." Snape said sneering at Harry.

"Ya, sorry Harry but I will still beat you in Quidditch, even though I'm in your house." I said. Snape smirked then limped off. I wonder why he is limping?

"That explains the blood." Harry said in a whisper.

"Blood?" Hermione said.

"Listen, last night, I'm guessing Snape let the troll in as a diversion so he could try and get past that three-headed dog, but he got himself bitten." Harry said. I rolled my eyes but I was also confused.

"Three-headed dog?" I said.

"I will explain later." Harry said.

"What if Snape was trying to protect whatever the dog is guarding. My guess is its Quirrel. He always seemed off to me and I catch him talking to himself." I said.

"Imagine if Quirrel had a second face behind the turban and that's who he talks to." Ron said laughing. I laughed at this too.

"Anyway, back to what I was saying." Harry said sassily. "The day I was at Gringotts, Hagrid took something out of one of the vaults. He said it was Hogwarts business. Very secret." Finished Harry.

"So your saying, whatever Hagrid took from the vault, that's what the dogs guarding." Hermione said. We then heard owl screeches and saw two owls coming towards us. One was a snowy white owl that landed by Harry and the other was an all black owl who looked rather scary and landed by me. I read the note and it said

Dear Y/n Y/l/n,

Please do not open in front of everyone.

Professor Snape.

I already knew what it was, it was a broom! I was so happy but I tried to conceal it. I looked at the head table and saw Snape looking at me. I sent him a thumbs up and he smiled. I saw Harry do the same to McGonagall.


A/N: Feel free to comment if I make any mistakes! Constructive criticism is key in writing.

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