Chapter 18

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"Ah yes. The art of being complicated"

I woke up with a note on my desk.

Miss. Y/l/n,
Please see Professor Dumbledore in his office after breakfast. You will be excused from Charms.
Professor McGonagall

Why would Dumbledore want to see me?

I got changed and went downstairs for breakfast. I saw Draco and Kade and decided to see what they were up to. I sat next to Kade and in front of Draco.

"Whatcha up to?" I said startling Draco.

"Breathing" Kade responded with. I laughed and shook my head. I then took a green apple off of Draco's plate and ran off.

"Hey! Get back here Y/l/n!" Draco got up and ran after me. I laughed and ran faster.

"Are we on a last name basis now Malfoy?" I yelled as I ran. He caught up to me and reached for the apple. I took a bite before he could get it and then tossed it to him. I winked and walked towards Dumbledore's office.

I made it to the statue in front of his office.

"Hi, I am here to see Professor Dumbledore." I said awkwardly. It spun around and revealed a staircase. Thank God I didn't have to say a password. I walked up the staircase and made it to a large wooden door. I knocked three times.

"Come in Miss. Y/l/n." I heard Dumbledore say. I walked in and he motioned for me to take a seat. "I have some rather strange news. The sorting hat seems to be very conflicted about which house you should be in. It now states that you should go back to Slytherin but I say no. I think you should be in both houses." This shocked me. A student in both houses?

"But Professor how will that work?" I asked curiously.

"You will attend class as a Gryffindor and be aloud in both common rooms. You will sit at Slytherin table unless you need to sit at Gryffindor table for a day. You will have silver and green robes but with a gold and red snake icon on your robes." I smiled. This was going to be fun.

"This seems a bit... complicated don't you think?" I said smiling.

"Ah yes. The art of being complicated. You posses to many traits of both houses to be successful in only one." Dumbledore smiled at me and waved me off. I am making history already. I skipped down the stairs and ran to the library to see if Hermione was there. I will definitely sleep in the Gryffindor dormitories. It is way more cozy but the Slytherin common room is stunning. Seeing the giant squid swim in the Great Lake always amazes me.

I arrive at the library and walk in. We still have twenty minutes until Transfiguration. As I walked in I saw a flash and my robes were now the new look! It was amazing. I look up and see Hermione sitting at a table reading. I walked over and tapped her on the shoulder. She looked up and gasped.

"What happened to your robes?!" Hermione whisper yelled. I laughed and sat down.

"It's a long story." I said.

"I have time." She put her book to the side and looked at me with very curious eyes.


I explained the whole story to everyone I knew and all my Slytherin friends were excited to have me back. To be honest, I was glad to be back too. Pansy loved my robes and Flint was so excited I was staying on the Slytherin quidditch team.

Harry and Ron were a bit sad at first but I made sure they knew that I was still in Gryffindor.


I walked into the Great Hall and everyone turned to look at me. I look around and see Draco and Kade waving at me to sit with them. I nod and wave at Harry, Ron and Hermione. I walk over and someone grabs my hand.

"Whoa! How are you in two houses?" I looked at the person and saw it was Cedric!

"According to Dumbledore and the Sorting Hat, I possessed to much traits of both Gryffindor and Slytherin to only be in one house." I said smiling at him.

"That's awesome! I like the look by the way." I blushed and he winked. I walk towards Draco and sit in between him and Kade and in front of Blaise.

"We are so excited to have you back Y/n!" Blaise exclaimed.

"I'm glad to be back!" I said smiling. I reached for a green apple and so did Draco. We touched the same apple but I sneakily snatched it before he could get it.

"I missed you." That was all he said the rest of the night. I forgot how much I missed being in Slytherin.

Its Complicated   Year 1 (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now