Chapter 12

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"That's totally barbaric!"

"Wake up!" Hermione said screaming in my ear. I groaned and sat up. Maybe everything will be just as good as yesterday. Hopefully. Hermione sat there staring at me expecting me to say something.

"Are you going to admire me all day or are you going to let me get dressed?" Hermione laughed and left the room. You got dressed in your Gryffindor robes and curled your hair. "I look good today. For once." You smiled and went downstairs. Ron and Harry weren't there anymore so you assumed they went to lunch.

"Are you staying here for Christmas or going home?" You never talked to anyone about going home but you made a mental note to ask Dylan later.

"I don't really know. I will ask Dylan in the great hall." Dylan was a Ravenclaw. He was a nasty one too. He always thought higher of himself because of how smart he was. I really wish he was my cousin. Not brother. He can be very embarrassing at times.

You and Hermione walked to the Great Hall with your trunks. You saw Ron and Harry playing Wizard's Chess. That game always seemed barbaric to you but Dylan and your father would always play when your father was actually home. You shook yourself out of your thoughts and walked over to Ron and Harry. As you look around you saw Professor Flitwick hanging decorations on the trees. You got to admit that Hogwarts was very pretty in Christmas time. You sat next to Ron as Hermione sat next to Harry.

"Queen to E-5." Ron said smirking. The queen then broke Harry's knight into smithereens! Ron leaned back proudly and you smiled with him.

"That's totally barbaric!" Hermione said in a shocked tone. You laughed because you could tell it was her first time seeing Wizard's Chess.

"That's Wizard's Chess. I see you've packed so have you Y/n." Ron said.

"I see you haven't." Hermione said.

"Change of plans. My parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother Charlie. He's studying dragons there!" I smiled at Ron and his enthusiasm to dragons.

"Good! You can help Harry and maybe Y/n. They are going to go look in the library for information on Nicholas Flamel." Hermione told Ron. Harry, Ron and Hermione all went to see Hagrid after the quidditch match before they went to the "party" to see if Hagrid knew anything about Fluffy and Snape. They found out that Fluffy, a three headed dog, is guarding something that only Dumbledore and a man named Nicholas Flamel know about. You saw Dylan walk through the doors and so you ran over to him.

"Dyl! Are we staying here or going home for the holidays?" Dylan laughed at you. You raised an eyebrow at him. "What?"

"You are staying here while mum, dad and I all go to France." What! Why do I have to stay here?" "Mum found out about your friendship with the Weasleys but dad convinced her to not get mad. Your punishment is to stay here though." Who told on me?

"Who told mum?" I asked curiously.

"I did. Draco tried to convince me not too but it was to tempting." Ugh! Why does Dylan have to be so stubborn?"

"Whatever. Mum isn't going to disown me right?!" I said fearfully. I loved my family and if they left me I don't know what I would do.

"No, mum was upset at first but she knew you were to kind from when you were little to be an arse to everyone. I guess you learned from dad." I smiled at that. I think mum just needs a girl in the family. We don't know what Dylan will do in the future. At least I'm reliable. I smiled and walked off. I sat next to Ron again.

"I guess I'm staying over the holidays!" You decided not to tell anyone what Dylan said because you don't want Ron to feel bad. Ron gave you a high five and Harry smiled at you. Hermione was gone though so I'm going to assume that she went to get on the train.

"Hermione told us to look in the Restricted Section of the library! She also said to say goodbye to you since she had to go get on the train." Harry told you.

"Thanks for letting me know." Harry nodded in a you're welcome kind of way.

"LP!" You jumped as Fred and George came running into the Great Hall.

"Yes boys?" The both mischievously looked at each other. You knew they had a bad idea up their sleeve.

"We never got to prank Hermione so we have decided since we missed an awesome pranking opportunity that we would prank you." Before you even got to process what they meant, a snowball hit you in the face.

"Oh, you're on!" You all ran outside to the snow. You picked up some snow and made a snowball and threw it at George.

"Oi! Why me?!" You smiled and then threw one at Fred. You then got hit by a snowball in the back and one on your arm. You all laughed as you ran at Fred. You jumped on his back and pushed him in the snow. Then you felt arms pick you up and suddenly you were face first in the snow also! You stood up and smiled.

"Okay okay! Truce!" You said yelling. The twins nodded and then you all went inside.

"Let's go get some Hot Chocolate." That sounded like a good idea. The twins took you down in front of the Hufflepuff common room entrance. They walked over to a painting with fruit on it and tickled the pear. Ya, you heard me. They tickled the pear! All of the sudden the portrait swung open and you were in the kitchens. There were many house elves and George asked them for three hot chocolates.

"So LP, what do you think the prank on our dear brother Ron should be?" You thought about it for a minute and realized that Ron was always eating. That's it!

"What if for a whole day, every time Ron picked up food it would disappear?" They both smiled and ran over to you and hugged you.

"That's brilliant! Thank you y/n!" You smiled and they ran out. You walked back to the common room and saw Harry and Ron on the couch.

"Hey guys." They both stopped talking and looked at you. Then they glanced at each other. That was odd...

"What are you guys doing?"

"Nothing. We were just talking about, um about dragons! Ya dragons." Ron said hurriedly.

"Hm, okay. I think I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight!" You said.

"Goodnight Y/n." They said in unison.

You walked up the stairs to your dormitory and sat on your bed. All of your roommates left for the holidays so you had to all to yourself. Well except for Oreo. He was here.

What were Ron and Harry talking about before I came? They seemed nervous around me. Whatever. Tomorrow's Christmas so I need a good nights sleep. You felt your eyelids getting heavy and you eventually went to sleep.

Its Complicated   Year 1 (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now