Chapter 5

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"He was so confident I loved it"

I woke up the next day excited to start classes. I got dresses in my Slytherin robes and went downstairs to the common room.

"Ahhh Y/l/n finally decided to wake up?" Draco said in a playful manner. I just rolled my eyes and hit him on the back of the head.
"Ow! What was that for?" Draco whined. We walked out of the common room and to the Great Hall. When we got the the Great Hall I sat in my spot in between Draco and Blaise and across from a boy named Kade.

"So Y/n how was your first day at Hogwarts? Well it was kinda a first day, more of a half day because we were on the train for seven hours but we were still at Hogwarts for a long time..." I laughed at his blabbering and he just turned red.

"It was great. Thanks for asking." I look behind him and see Harry and Ron. I smiled at Harry who smiled back and took a quick glance at Ron who just glared at me. "So Kade are you trying out for quidditch next year?"

"Ya I think so. I want to be a beater."

"Cool! I want to be a chaser so maybe we will both make the team. What about you Draco?" I said smiling. I loved quidditch and it was my dream to be on the school team but I have always wanted to be a Hogwarts professor, preferably potions or care of magical creatures.

"Seeker will be mine for sure." He was so confident I loved it. Wait what?! No I love it as in a friend way because he is like a brother to me. I shook the thought from my head continued the conversation about quidditch when Professor Snape came around and handed us our timetables.

"Y/l/n." He said with a smile. Did Snape just smile? Dylan said he was always frowning.

"Professor." I said back smiling. I might as well get on his good side. I looked at my timetable.

Ok today was Monday so I have Herbology first with the Hufflepuffs, then I had Transfiguration with the Gryffindors then Potions with the Gryffindors then Lunch then I had Charms with the Hufflepuffs then the rest of the day off. I then heard Draco get all excited so I turned to him.

"Everything ok?!" I asked in a worried tone because Draco sounded like a little girl on her 7th birthday going to Disney World.

"Yes! We have all the same classes together Y/n!" I compared our schedules and smiled. At least I have someone in all my classes. I packed up my stuff to go to class when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side.

"Whoa! Can I help you?" I said as I pulled my hand away. I calmed down once I saw Harry though.

"Hey, so I know that your Slytherin and I'm Gryffindor but can we be friends?" Harry said. I nodded and smiled.

"Of course we can! Oh by the way tell your friend Ron that I'm sorry how rude Draco was okay? Oh and also tell him we can't be friends only because Draco is a snitch and will tell my mum if we are." I said in one breath. Harry nodded and left. I saw him talking with Ron and then Ron turned and looked at me, then I heard footsteps running towards me.

"Hey Y/l/n, wanna walk to class together?" Blaise said. We have the same schedule also so I guess I had a walking buddy. This was nice. I always wanted a nice friend who doesn't care about how famous I was in the Slytherin community. We arrived to Herbology. I said bye to Blaise and stood next to Draco. Draco put an arm around my shoulders and I laid my head on his shoulder. I spaced off during class and then I realized we got dismissed when Draco tapped my head. I walked with Draco and Blaise to transfiguration and I sat with Draco at the front of the class. A cat was at the front of the room and was just watching us. It kind of freaked me out because it felt like a person watching us, not a cat. I then heard footsteps come running in and Harry and Ron rammed into the door and startled everyone.

"Whew, we made it. Can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late?" Then the cat at the front of the desk turned into McGonagall. Harry, Ron and I were gaping at her. "That was bloody brilliant!" I snorted at his response and Draco elbowed me in the side. I rolled my eyes at him and watched the scene unfold.

"Thank you for that assessment Mr. Weasley. Perhaps you would be more useful if I were to transfigure Mr.Potter and yourself into a pocket watch, that way one of you would be on time!" She said in an annoyed and mad tone.

"W-we got lost." Harry said seeming scared and confused. I would be too if I were raised by muggles.

"Then perhaps a map. I trust you don't need one to find your seats." I couldn't hold it any longer and I burst into a fit of laughter. McGonagall stared at me. Her eyes looked like they were smiling but her lips were not. Draco smirked at me and and Kade started to laugh also, then Blaise joined and then Crabbe then Draco finally laughed. I had tears streaming down my face and then I heard a chuckled come from McGonagall, then she sat back down and I gathered my self together. "Class dismissed." She said chuckling a bit. I got up and tripped which made me laugh even more than Kade had to carry me out on his back because I couldn't walk from laughing so much. Potions next, I cant wait!

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