Chapter 11

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"I just can't be mad at you."

"Hey" I say groaning and covering my eyes. Draco chuckled. I propped myself up on my elbows and looked at him.

"I just wanted to say sorry for what I did. It was really uncool of me and I miss our friendship." I was shocked. Draco never apologizes to anyone.

"Well you have to make it up to me somehow. How about you let me be friends with whoever I want and you HAVE TO convince Dyl to not tell anyone?" I stood up and dusted myself off while Draco stood there thinking.

"Deal, but what if Dylan doesn't agree?" I knew Dylan would but I just wanted to scare Draco a bit.

"Then we cannot be friends." I walked away with my head held high towards Marcus. Flint saw me and patted my back with a frown on his face. I looked up to see Snape watching us and frowning. He saw me looking and gave me a sympathetic look. I walked away to see Kade but he saw me and ignored me. Was he really made over what I said to Lee!? I ran over to him anyway to talk to him and act like nothing happened.

"Hey! Did you see that! My first game and I scored 10 times!" I said enthusiastically. He looked at me and sighed.

"I just can't be mad at you." He said smiling. Then Lee walked towards us. His smile faded fast.

"Hello there! You ready for our date y/l/n?" I stared shocked at him. He really thought it was a date! I glanced at Kade.

"Hey Lee! How about we make it a fun hangout between all of our friends?" I said smiling. Lee thought about it for a minute and then got very excited!

"Great idea Y/n! Let me go get my friends and you get yours." I smiled and nodded. I looked at Kade with a pouty face and he smiled.

"Of course I will come." He said laughing. I ran over to Harry, Hermione and Ron and told them the news. They all agreed to come. I also invited the Slytherin quidditch team and they said they will come in peace. I am so happy right now!


We were all sitting outside by the Black Lake. We were playing games and just talking. Surprisingly there have been no fights between Slytherin and Gryffindor and even Draco showed up! He is still attempting his side of the deal though.

"So guys, I think we should all play truth or dare." Lee said. We all smiled at that suggestion. We sat in a circle on the floor and started playing. Oliver Wood started first and he picked Harry.

"So Harry, Truth or dare?" Wood said smiling

"Um, dare!" Harry said.

"I dare you to dive into the lake!" We all laughed and Harry's jaw dropped. I smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

"Here hold this for me please." He handed me his wand, his robe and his shoes. He dived into the Black Lake and came out shivering. It was very funny to me for some reason and I just started laughing. It went to the point where Harry picked me up and threw me into the lake. I came out soaking wet with a very angry look on my face. Everyone was laughing and knowing me, and guess what. I started laughing too. I splashed water at Harry and it turned into a full out chicken fight with everyone in the water.

Today was amazing and everyone was happy together. I can't wait for tomorrow!

Its Complicated   Year 1 (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now