Chapter 10

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"Madam Hooch rolled her eyes and walked away"

Breakfast was over and we went outside to the courtyard and opened it. The Slytherin team was on my right and Ron, Harry and Hermione were on my left. Harry and I opened our package and beamed at the new brooms. "Mate, that's a Nimbus 2000!" Ron said to Harry. I examined the brooms. They were beautiful. The wood was polished perfectly and the gold on on broom shined like a bright star. I smiled and got on the broom.

"You will let me try it, right?" Marcus said to me. I smirked at him.

"Never." I said and flew off. Marcus acted like he shot an arrow, from a bow and arrow at me. I clutched my heart playfully and fell off my broom and into Kade's arms. I laughed and so did everyone else. Kade put me down and put an arm over my shoulder. Kade bent down and whispered in my ear.

"You're my best friend until we are 13, then we will be more." I blushed and saw Harry glaring at Kade. Harry saw me looking at him and looked away. Ron elbowed Harry and wiggled his eyebrows.

Harry, Ron and Hermione left so I could get ready for my quidditch match. Not to boast or anything but I look gooood in the quidditch uniform. The team and I all sat in a wooden shack like thing and Marcus started to give us a pep-talk. "We are gonna beat Gryffindor this game. Our new chaser is the best we got so I want you to get her the quaffle as much as possible." I smiled and sent Marcus a thumbs up. Marcus smirked then went on with his speech. "We are Slytherin, not Hufflepuff! We will knock them off their brooms if we have to!" I felt kinda bad since Marcus said that. I'm still a Gryffindor, even if I'm on another team. The rest of the team can play dirty but I will play fair and square. Marcus ended his speech and opened the wooden doors. We all boarded our brooms and flew out of the shack. We circled the pitch and I threw some t-shirts to the crowd. Marcus gave us some for effect. I threw a shirt to Kade and put my hands in a heart shape. A boy named Jack Anderson ruffled up Kade's hair and put an arm over his shoulder. It was cute seeing Kade embarrassed. I stopped admiring Kade and flew off. I threw around 5 more shirts into the Slytherin and Gryffindor stands. The t-shirts were half gold and half silver so it represented both houses. They had my number which was 11 and Y/l/n at the top. I flew to the middle of the pitch next to the rest of the team. I looked up and saw Harry. I smiled at him and then I did a goofy smile to the twins. They smiled back while crossing their eyes. I chuckled slightly and then got my head back into the game. I heard Lee Jordan in the background but I wasn't paying much attention to it until I heard my name.

"Today is unlike any other quidditch game, it is Harry Potter and Y/n Y/l/n's first game ever as first years. Today is history! Today's game is Slytherin versus Gryffindor!" Lee said enthusiastically. I smiled and listened to the cheers coming from both sides of the stadium. "Players take their positions as Madam Hooch steps out to start the game!" Madam Hooch looked at the Slytherins.

"Now, I want a nice, clean game from all of you." I heard Marcus scoff next to me. She let the bludgers loose and the Snitch. Hooch then grabbed the quaffle and threw it up.

"The quaffle has been released! Nice catch by Y/l/n as she swerves through the other teams chasers. She throws it to Marcus and they SCOREEEE!" The Slytherin side erupts in cheers. I high five Marcus and then fly off. I heard my name again. "Y/l/n just dreamy? Hey Y/l/n wanna hang out sometime?" Lee yells. Mcgonagall hits him on the back off the head. I shoot Lee a thumbs up then fly off. I see the jealousy in Kade's eyes. I shrug it off. Its not like it's a date or anything. It's just hanging out. Right? I snap out of my daze when a bludger hits my stomach. I keep a firm grip on my broom so I don't fly off. I heard ooo's from the crowds and then Marcus fly's to me.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Never better!" I say to him. He pats my back and then intercepts the quaffle. He threw it to me then I score.

"GOAL!!! Another point to Slytherin! Come on Harry! Find the snitch!" Lee yells. Then I hear murmurs and screams so I look around and see Harry's broom moving out of control. I fly up to him.

"Here Harry!" I yell. I swoop to were he was hanging and grab him. He sits on my broom with me.

"Thanks!" Harry shouts over the cheering as Slytherin scores another goal.

"Anytime!" I say back. His broom stopped freaking out so he got back on. I smiled until the end when I saw Harry and Higgs were both flying towards the ground after the snitch. Terence backed out but Harry kept flying. I yelled at Harry telling him to slow down but he didn't listen. Harry then flew to the ground looking sick. He then opened his mouth and the snitch flew out. I threw my hands out in frustration and put them on my head and groaned. Marcus was furious.

"He didn't catch it! He almost swallowed it!" Madam Hooch rolled her eyes and walked away. I fell off my broom with a thud. I was only around 1 foot off the ground so it didn't hurt. I put my hands on my face with frustration and just layed on the grass.

"Hey." I heard a voice that I haven't spoken to in a while say.

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