Chapter 7

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"That child is as skilled as they come." 

"Did you hear? Harry Potter is the new Gryffindor seeker. I always new he'd do well" Nearly Headless Nick said in an impressed tone.

"Yes I have heard but, Y/n Y/l/n is the new Slytherin chaser. That child is as skilled as they come. Good luck beating Slytherin this year." Bloody Baron said.

"We will do just fine." Nick said.


I was walking with Harry and Ron in the hall. Yes, I know I can't be friends with Ron but who cares? "Seeker and Chaser? First years never make the house teams. You must be the youngest quidditch players in a century." Ron said in awe.

"According to McGonagall." I said.

"Hey, well done , Y/n, Harry. Woods just told us about you two.

"Thank you boys!" You said smiling. Fred put an arm around my shoulder which made me smile.

"Fred and George are on the Gryffindor team too. Beaters." Ron said.

"Our job is to make sure Y/n gets hit and Harry doesn't. Can't make any promises of course. Rough game quidditch, but no ones died in years."

"Thanks for that. No nerves at all." I said annoyed.

"Don't worry. Someone will vanish occasionally." Fred said. "But they will turn up in a month or two." George finished. I rolled my eyes and kept walking with Harry and Ron. Harry started to panic when Granger showed up.

"You won't make a fool of yourself." Granger said.

"Yes you would know, your a pro at it." I said. Ron was about to laugh when we heard yelling.

"Where is Y/n at!?" I rolled my eyes.

"Over here Crabbe." I said annoyed.

"Draco wants you." Crabbe grabbed my arm and pulled me to the Great Hall. I gave Harry and Ron a sorry look and went with Crabbe.

"Crabbe, I can walk myself thanks!" I snapped and yanked my arm away.

"Ahh, if it isn't the little show off." I stood next to Draco and rolled my eyes.

"What's got your wand in a knot." I said annoyed but smirking.

"I've always wanted to play quidditch in first year but no, famous Y/n Y/l/n had to grab all the attention." Draco snapped.

"I can't help it you were being a git to Harry and Neville. I was just joking and Harry new that." I said starting to get angry.

"What would you do if I told your mum that you were friends with the Weasleys? What would she think then?" Draco started to imitate my mum in a high pitch voice. "My own daughter! A disgrace to the family name. I can't believe you would make friends with the Weasleys. Your an embarrassment to the wizarding world you filthy blood-traitor." I was fuming at this point and lunged at Draco. Crabbe tried to pull me back but couldn't so Goyle stepped in and lifted me up. Draco was laughing at me now. I wanted to curse him right then but I could't because Blaise took my wand.

"Let me go Goyle! I can't believe you would side with him! I've known you since we were born!" Tears were coming down my face and Goyle dropped me. I fell to the floor and looked at Draco with pure hatred. "You really are as bad as they say you are." I said in a sad tone. Draco looked a little hurt by this but I kept going. "You know I stood up for you, saying you're not bad and people just don't know you, but you know? Your nothing more than a foul git Malfoy!" More tears were coming down my face as I left the great hall and bumped into someone and fell. "CAN'T PEOPLE JUST UGHHHHH!" I screamed. Then a pair of big arms wrapped me in a hug and I saw that it was Kade. I hugged him back and cried into his chest.

Its Complicated   Year 1 (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now