Chapter 22

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"Bye love."

"It's okay Y/n, I will see you again when school starts." Harry told me. It sucks he has to go back too the Dursley's. Luckily for me, I am spending half of Summer at the Weasley's. I convinced my mum through a letter and told her they were still pure-blood. She seems to be losing her mudbloods-and-half-bloods-are-horrible-and-we-are-superior ways. That's good! I can now hang out with whoever I want. Dylan is still... Dylan and my father is still ,well, my father. I just wish I could see Harry over Summer.

"I know but I will miss you." Harry pulled me into a hug. He walked over to his Aunt and Uncle and I walked over to the Weasleys.

"Hello dear!" Molly said.

"Hello Mrs. Weasley! How are you doing?"

"Fine, fine. We are so pleased to have you over for Summer. I know the twins are the most excited knowing you will prank with them. Hopefully not as much." I laughed a little and smiled.

"It's okay, I have more sense."

"We heard that LP." I hear a familiar voice say.

"Speak of the devil." Mrs. Weasley says.

"We heard that too! We have ears ya know?" I smiled.

"I believe we are picking Y/n up after July 16th correct?"

"Yes Mrs. Weasley."

"Call me Molly dear." I nodded. "Well we best be off! See you soon Y/n." I waved.

"Bye love." Fred said. Love?

"Bye y/n! See ya around?" George asked.

"Totally!" I walked over to my mum and Dylan and we apparated to the manor.

"How was school?" My mum asked.

"It was great! I made so many new friends." My father smiled and my mum nodded.

"That's good sweetie, I'm glad to hear it." My father said.

"Now, I know you made friends with some, muggle borns and that is fine as long as they do not come to my household. I do not care who you are friends with, as long as you keep in touch with the Malfoys."

"Yes mum." She walked past me and sat at the table with my dad. They talked about some boring ministry stuff while I read my book. Hopefully school will be fun but, calmer, next year.

Its Complicated   Year 1 (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now