Chapter 21

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"We still have 6 more years!"

"Will they be okay Professor?" I asked Dumbledore. We were sat in the infirmary waiting for all of my friends to wake up. Ron had a nasty cut on his head. Hermione was so exhausted that she almost stopped breathing. And then there's Harry. My friend Harry. The boy I would trust with my life. He has been attacked by you-know-who. We don't know what is wrong with him but all we can hope is that he will wake up.

"Not to worry, Miss Y/l/n. They will be alright. I think it is time you go to dinner though." I nodded and walked down to dinner. I walked through the big brown doors and sat in between Kade and Draco. Draco all of the sudden grabbed my face in his hands.

"Are you okay?" He asked scanning my face for cuts and bruises. I chuckled.

"I'm fine Draco."

"Thank God." He sighed and hugged me. "I though you were hurt. When I heard that Ron, Harry and Hermione were in the hospital wing and I couldn't find you, I assumed you were hurt." He was so worried.

"No I'm fine. I didn't even get a scratch." He sighed a sigh of relief. I then turned to Kade. He didn't seem to want to talk to me much.

"Are you okay?" He asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, but are you? You seem odd." I asked. We mad eye contact and he looked away quickly.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just a stomach bug." I looked down at my food until I heard the Great Hall doors open. I snap my head around and see my best friends. I jumped up and ran over to them.

"Oh my God, you guys are okay." I breathed a sigh of relief. I grab Ron and hug him. He blushed but I didn't care, I was just so happy to see them. I then pulled Hermione into a hug. We just sat there in each others presence. It felt so good to have my best friend back. I then turn to Harry and started to cry. I don't know why, but I did.

"Y/n what's wrong?" Harry asked worriedly. I jumped and hugged him and cried into his shoulder.

"I thought you were gonna die! Don't do that to me!" I say slapping his shoulder repeatedly.

"Come here." Harry said pulling me into him. He rubbed my back and then brought us into the hall. He hugged me again and pulled Hermione and Ron to us. We sat there all in a group hug. I was great. No one died. That's all I needed to know. "Let's go eat." I nodded my head and wiped my eyes. God, I'm dramatic.

I sat in between Ron and Fred with Harry in between Hermione and George in front of me. "I should probably sit with Slytherin since we, well we, won!" I say boasting. The Great Hall was covered in Slytherin banners. Since we won the house cup of course. I again, sat next to Draco and Kade. "Well boys, looks like we won." They all smiled and Draco was about to reply but we heard a subtle clinking noise. I look up and see Dumbledore standing.

"Another year gone. And now, as I understand it, the House Cup needs awarding, and the points stand thus. In fourth place, Gryffindor with 312 points." I look at Draco who is smiling. That was also my house so that did suck. Everyone clapped politely. Third place, Hufflepuff with 352 points." Again, more applause. "In second place, Ravenclaw with 426 points. And in first place, with 472 points, Slytherin!" We all jump up and scream. I wink at Fred since he stuck his tongue out at me. I also high fived Draco and Blaise. I look at Snape and see him clapping too. "Yes, yes well done Slytherin. However, recent events must be taken into account. And I have a few last-minute points to award. To Miss Hermione Granger, for the cool use of intellect when others were in grave peril. 50 points." Gryffindor cheered for Hermione while Slytherin looked confused. "Second! To Mr. Ronald Weasley, for the best played game of chess that Hogwarts has seen these many years. 50 points. And third, to Mr. Harry Potter, for pure nerve and outstanding courage. I award Gryffindor house 60 points." Oh no, they are tied with Slytherin now. "And now to Mr. Neville Longbottom. It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. I award 10 points to Gryffindor!" Rubbish! Neville barely did anything! "And lastly, to Miss Y/n Y/l/n, for pulling an astounding prank which may have saved the wizarding community. I award Slytherin 10 points!" We are tied with Gryffindor! I look at Draco and he looked so sad. Poor thing. "Assuming that my calculations are correct, I believe that a change of decoration is in order!" Half of the Slytherin banners turn into Gryffindor banners. Well this isn't so bad for me, but I feel bad for the rest of Slytherin.

"Guys! We still won!" That got their moods up and they started to clap.

"Slytherin and Gryffindor tie for the House Cup!" Dumbledore shouts. Everyone throws their hats in the air, well almost everyone. Draco throws his down at the table.

"Lighten up Draco, it's only the House Cup. We still have six more years!"

"I guess."

Its Complicated   Year 1 (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now