Chapter 20

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"I spend a lot of time with Hermione. I learn a few things on the way."

I hurried after Quirrell. I was kind of scared to be cleaning a Bogart cabinet but it wont hurt me. Right? I mean, this is interesting though. What is my worst fear? Possibly my friends dying but I really don't know.

I read about how to stop a Bogart. You use the spell Ridikulus. I will then push it into its new home, a broom closet.

"Now Y/l/n. I expect the cabinet to be s-spotless. I will leave you to deal with the Bogart too. I d-d-don't care if you are scared, deal with it. I will be in my o-office." He walked to his office and I looked around. I saw a cabinet in the middle of the room and I turned and saw the closet. This will be quick and simple. He never said no magic.

I walked up to the cabinet. It's just a Boggart. It is not real. I studied the cabinet. It was very beautiful actually. The fine detail in the wood and the brass doorknobs. It was a dark brown and had lighter brown vines carved into it. No wonder Quirrell wanted it cleaned. I backed up.

"Alohamora." I said shakily. The doors burst open and my family with the Malfoys stepped out. That's... odd, Draco is not with them. That's not scary at all. I then looked closer and saw a very tall man behind them. It's Voldemort. "Ridikulus!" I shouted. They all turned into slugs on the floor. I picked them up and put them in a jar I found.

I was scrubbing the cabinet with a rag because I didn't know a cleaning spell until I heard a door creak. I turned and saw Quirrell leaving.

"Professor wait! What about my detention?" I asked trying to stall him.

"K-k-keep cleaning! I will be back in a f-few minutes." I nodded. I acted like I walked into the classroom but I really ran away. I needed to get Snape. I ran towards the Great Hall where he said he would be. I walked in and ran towards the professor's table.

Draco's P.O.V

I saw Y/n burst into the Great Hall. Everyone turned to look at her while she whispered to Professor Snape. What is going on now? Snape got up and they hurried out of the Great Hall. "I will be right back." I said as I got up. I followed after them.

"Professor he is going to try to steal it!" Y/n said. Steal what?

"I know. I will stop him but go back to detention. You don't want him knowing that you helped me. Okay?" She nodded and walked towards Quirrell's office. I ran after her and into the classroom. I saw her putting jars into a closet.

"Who is trying to steal what?" I asked. She jumped and turned around towards me.

"Were you spying on me? Well, that's obvious but why do you need to know?" She asked. Ouch. That hurt.

"I was just wondering."

"Well Quirrell is trying to steal this stone in the school. I actually just finished detention so I need to go help out with that. Toodles!" She ran out the door. I can't let her get hurt again.

"Petrificus Totales!" I shouted and hit her with the spell. She froze and fell to the floor. I picked her up and brought her to the Slytherin common room. I put her on the couch. "I know you will probably hate me for this. I couldn't let you get hurt again. I am going to let you go now. Don't kill me please." I used the counter curse and she sat up.

"I am going to murder you." She got up and ran after me.

"I'm sorry!" I said laughing. "Don't kill me! Please!" Now I was screaming. She stopped running and plopped on the couch.

"Fine. I'm too late now to help." I sighed.

"I'm sorry, but you have to promise me that you won't go down there. Please." I begged.

"I promis-" As she said that Dumbledore walked through the door.

"Y/n, if you would escort me to the third floor corridor I would appreciate it very much." Dumbledore said calmly.

"Sorry." She said as she walked off.

Y/n P.O.V

"I have received a letter from Miss. Granger stating that Mr. Weasley has been injured. I need you to bring them to the hospital wing while I help Harry." I nodded and we walked silently the rest of the way. We arrived at the corridor and he motioned for me to go in. I saw a huge, three headed dog. Dumbledore played some music with his wand and we carried on through a trapdoor. "If you would." He said. I jumped into the dark abyss and and landed in plants. "Just stay calm." We fell through and landed on our feet.

"Professor, how far are Hermione and Ron?" I asked.

"Not much farther. I want you to figure out this next obstacle. It will be rather amusing." I raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. I heard fluttering and walked through a door. There was a broom in the middle of the floor with flying keys? "Find the right key." I looked around and saw a old wooden door. I will need an old key. I looked around and saw a gross looking key.

"Immobulus!" I shouted. The keys all slowed down. "Accio key!" The key I pointed at flew down into my hand.

"That was rather impressive to say the least. Where did you learn the Accio charm?" Dumbledore asked.

"I spend a lot of time with Hermione. I learn a few things on the way." He chuckled and I open the door with the key. I saw Ron and Hermione. Ron was unconscious and Hermione was crying.

All she said was "Harry." before she fainted.

Its Complicated   Year 1 (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now