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Baekhyun and Hera were in the midst of watching the re-run of strong woman do bong soon when the door bell rang.

Hera pov

"I'll get the door!"
I paced to the front door and peeked at the screen to see who is at the door. I saw the EXO oppas and I pressed the unlock button to unlock the door.

Chanyeol oppa said the loudest hi but the hand he raised went to scratch his head when he saw me instead of baekhyun oppa and awkward silence surrounded us because all the oppa never actually met me in real life before, they at most only heard me in the phone when I'm talking to baekhyun oppa.

The only person who had seen me in real life and chatted with me before is suho oppa. He busted baekhyun oppa on the filming set of scarlet heart and we had a small chat during lunch.

Suho oppa broke the silence by giving me a light hug and he walked in while I gestured the rest to enter as well. My eyes followed their hands, they brought many different things. Suho oppa asked where could they leave the grocery, I guided them to the kitchen and asked them to leave it on the counter will do.

Then I brought them to the inner part of our house which is the living room where baekhyun oppa is, baekhyun oppa eyes turn into crescents and his mouth became rectangular when he saw the oppas and he stood up to greet each one of them. I just stood on corner feeling all awkward nit knowing what to do.

Baekhyun pov

I greeted my members and sehunie told me that he bought bubble tea for us and left it in the fridge. I noticed Hera standing awkwardly at a corner,I walked to her and grasp her hand and lead her to seat on my right while the other members on my left.

"Now let me officially introduce your future sister in law and my soon to be wife."

I pointed my hand to Hera and ask her to do a self introduction to my members, everybody turn to look at her and her cheeks flushed pink looking at me to help her then jongdae said "ehhhhh Hera is shy" the members all joked around a little and I guessed it made her feel more at ease.

"Hi my name is hera and I am born in 1996 which means that I am younger than all of you here. My stage name is Zhera and you can just call me hera"
She introduced herself so formally that it made me chuckle, the last time I've seen her so formal is when we had our script reading for scarlet heart where all the senior actors were there.

"What do you like to drink, do you like bubble tea?"
Sehunie asked hera , hera replies saying yes but she only likes the original flavor only. Sehunie continued on by saying that they could be best friends for life

Minseok hyung then spoke "Hera yah you can just call us oppa, I'm sure baekhyun is fine with it" I just nodded my head and said "it doesn't matter because we call each other jagi instead" jongin spontaneously cringed and I glared at him.

I continued with my cringy words like "when you are in love you anything you do is not cringy, just like how I love my jagi" all my members cringed and suho hyung knocked me on my head.

Hera pov

I flushed at what baekhyun oppa said and suho oppa then spoke "okay okay, I think we should prepare our dinner now and then we can bond during dinner itself" I nodded and I headed for the kitchen.

"Hera yah!"
"Kyungsoo and I have decided to cook for all of you"
"Aniyo oppa you should be outside playing and relaxing with the rest , don't worry I can handle"
"If that's the case can we help you then, we want to do seafood soup and Kyungsoo is really good at it"
"Okay then, kyungsoo oppa and minseok oppa can work on the seafood soup while I work on the others?"
"Arraseo, let's start shall we"

—————————time skip—————————

We just finished dinner and EXO oppas has just dished out on baekhyun oppa's secrets that he sleeps with his mouth slightly open where you can only see his to front teeth and he makes puppy noises when he sleeps.

But all these habits are not foreign to me at all, I had lived with him even before all the oppas were born. Now I was more comfortable around the oppas I was becoming very talkative. When baekhyun oppa went to the kitchen to clear up the plates I screamed to him from the living room
"Jagi! Can you pass me my tumblr"

—————————time skip—————————

They have chat for a very long time, it's about 10 at night and chanyeol suggest that they should head out for karaoke to sing their hearts out. All of them agreed so they split into 3 different cars.

Baekhyun pov

The first car was chanyeol's car, sehun, jongin, lay hyung were in it. The second car was Kyungsoo's car , minseok hyung and suho hyung we're in it and lastly hera's car, Hera, myself and jongdae were in it. We went to a nearby karaoke room and booked it for 5 hours since we were free of schedule for quite awhile as our promotions for monster ended .

This time I was driving since Hera cooked dinner just now, I can see her from my peripheral view she is dozing of while grabbing the seat belt. Jongdae noticed that she was sleeping too and he started giving me bro talks. He said that he is kinda jealous that I managed to settle down with the person I live without getting the public to hate on us or receiving any severe backlash.

End of pov

All of them sang their hearts out without bothering to sing it with proper technique like they do on stage and they jammed to hera's songs and chanyeol tried to do the high notes that baekhyun has in overdose while kai tries to hit the high note for jongdae's part in wolf.

They all ended up spending the night (or shall I say early morning) at baekhyun and hera's house. ChanYeol, minseok and Kyungsoo slept in one of their guest room and suho,lay and jongdae slept in another. The maknaes slept together in the living room.

(A/N: longest chapter yet, 1108 words, please upvote and comment!)

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