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Chanyeol pov


All the member turn back to see Baekhyun on the floor with blood at his head area, lay say the culprit attempt to run, he caught him in time and they called the police and the ambulance

Suho hyung  and I went with the ambulance and the rest caught up with them at the hospital.
"Hera-yah, I need you to listen very carefully to me, Baekhyun got into an accident and we are in our way to Seoul hospital, can you meet us there. Don't run and be careful" said suho hyung.

Hera pov
When I was clearing my dishes that I have used for dinner just now, I accidentally hit the plate if the counter and it broke into pieces. I immediately felt off, the same bad feeling that u told the unnies. Then I got a call from Suho oppa which was very odd as I usually just text him.

"Hera-yah, I need you to listen very carefully to me, Baekhyun got into an accident and we are in our way to Seoul hospital, can you meet us there. Don't run and be careful"

The moment he hang up I felt my eyes blur and the hot tears flowing down both my cheeks, I called eomonim and abeonim to inform them and I rushed to the hospital in my sleepwear. I was shaking so badly, xiumin oppa also called me to keep me occupied on my way here so I don't get a panic attack.

When I reached where the oppa's were, they were still waiting for Baekhyun's results. I was sobbing so badly that chanyeol oppa hugged me and kept me in his embrace until the doctor came.

"Can I know who is Baekhyun-ssi guardian or relative?"

Chanyeol oppa gestured to the doctor that I am his wife and the doctor announced his condition right now

"For now, Mr byun is stable however I'm very sorry to tell you that he may suffer amnesia, he may forget some parts of his life due to the hard impact on the back if his head during the assault and he may take a few weeks to wake up "

I felt my legs turn jelly, i almost plop down into the floor but Chanyeol oppa manage to carry me to sit on a chair. I couldn't speak at all as if somebody blocked my mouth.

"Can we visit him now?" Kyungsoo oppa asked

"Yes, you can"

Chanyeol oppa and xiumin oppa came to help me up and walked me into his room. I looked at Baekhyun oppa hooked onto so many machines broke my heart even more. He had a oxygen mask on him, he had an iv drip and his head is wrapped with bandages

I went closer to him with my shaky hands and held his in mine.
"Jagi....oppa...., it's me hera, can you wake up soon mini byun misses you"
More tears flow down my cheek, I could hear lay and chen oppa sobbing beside me too. Suho oppa gave me a hug and told me that he has to go to the police station with manager hyung to press charge on the drunkard. I nodded and forced a smile for him.

Weeks passed Hera was at the hospital everyday, joy had to force her to eat for the sake of their baby's health and for the sake of Hera's health. She always come and goes from the hospital with swollen eyes and her cheeks have sunken in.

The fans found about baekhyuns condition after the announcement of their last concert will be cancelled. SM entertainment released a statement in Baekhyun and that he currently is still in coma state. The fans pitied Hera and their child, they were trending wishes for baekhyun's recovery on social media platforms. Hera always feel more hopeful when she reads all the well wishes and prayers that the fans did.

(A/N: new chapter up! Thank u for all your support!" Chapter is a little short, I'll try to make the next few slightly longer;)

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