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Hera pov

Today was the day that Baekhyun oppa got discharged, we left the hospital via their back gate due to the crazy amount of fans at the hospital. Suho oppa and Chanyeol oppa were with us. I made Chanyeol oppa to sit with Baekhyun oppa in the front while I sit with Suho oppa at the back. Suho oppa passed me a pillow to support my aching back and allowed me to rest on his shoulder, I really needed comfort right now, especially now mini byun move around a lot.

I didn't want to burden Baekhyun oppa, so I thought he will be more comfortable with Chanyeol oppa. Suho oppa was super helpful till the point I feel bad, he will always ask if I had any cravings and will answer to my calls even at midnight since I was at home alone.

I've also decided with the oppas that Baekhyun oppa should stay at the dorm until he is comfortable with me and I'll visit him everyday. Xiumin oppa said that I could just stay at their dorm but I refused because I know that if I'm there all day, Baekhyun oppa won't get to be himself.

I brought some photo album dating back to when we first started dating and some of the presents he gave me along with me to their dorm.

Baekhyun pov

When we were in the car in the way to the dorm, I keep on looking at the girl who said she is my wife from the car mirror, tiredness written all over her face. I felt a weird sting in my heart but didn't really do much about it.

I saw Suho hyung passing her a pillow for her back and he got her to lean on his shoulder for comfort. Her face scrunched with each move and she held onto her tummy protectively.

—————— time skip ———————

We were all sitting down in the living room, Kyungsoo had cut us some fruits for us to munch on, they were all watching our drama scarlet heart in the effort of trying to get my memory back.

As we were watching, I could feel someone staring at me, when I turn back I saw Hera looking at the screen intensively, it was the scene were the arrow shot into the house while i was studying. I met eyes with her for a split second and I looked away as her eyes look very glassy.

Not long she excused herself from the living room and went to the toilet. Kyungsoo and lay hyung went along with her noticing the strange mood from her.

Kyungsoo pov

Lay hyung and I made our way to the toilet, hera chose the toilet furthest from the living room, as we approached the door, we could hear whimpering from behind the door. Bothe our eyes widen and we try to get Hera to open the door

"Hera-yah, it's Kyungsoo and lay oppa, are you okay?"

"O..oppa, this is too hard for me, I miss my Baekhyun oppa a lot, I can't bear to see him so foreign with me."

"Hey, hey , hera-yah you must be strong, the doctor said that is only temporary. I know you are stronger than this hera. How about you come out and we talk in my room? Can you unlock this door?"

We heard the door lock click, she slowly unlocked the door, her face wet with tears her bangs stuck to her forehead. Lay hyung and I quickly help her up and helped her to my room and got her to sit in my bed.

Over this past few weeks, Hera had become thinner, it was obvious now. She would only eat sufficient for the baby and for her to move around. It was such a heart breaking scene to see.

Baekhyun pov

When I saw her glassy eyes, something flash thru my mind. I was in a scene where I was proposing to a girl who looks very similar to Hera. After that flash I grabbed my head tightly in pain.

Suho hyung noticed and asked me if I am okay, I told him about my flashback and then he left to Hera. He came back with Hera's phone with the video of me proposing to her that's when I realize that It is real.

Ever since that flashback, I keep on getting small flashbacks of my past with Hera, I had flashbacks of us going on dates and our drama filming, because of all this flashbacks I feel less awkward around Hera now.

A/N: Hello everyone! It's been so long since I updated, I been caught in some kinda friendship problems and I got caught into some kinda black hole, hope you guys like this chapter and always support me!


Comments are super welcomed!

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