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Previously on Still With You,


I took a breath


I grabbed his hair as I completed my sentence and the nurse immediately scrambled to help Baekhyun oppa.

"Hera-ssi, give me one last hard push"

I took in a deep breath and pushed super hard, and I felt a instant relief right after. I heard a tiny little baby cry emerge from between my legs and I felt my vision blur with tears.

"Congratulations! It's a lovely and healthy baby boy!"

"Jagiya! Good job! I love you so much!"

He showered me with kisses until the nurses called out to Baekhyun oppa to ask him to cut the umbilical cord. After he cut the cord, the nurses brought the baby to the bed and cleaned him up as Baekhyun oppa brought me into his embrace.

Soon after, the nurse brought the baby wrapped in a baby blue swaddle. The baby was fidgeting and making tiny whiny noises. A smile drew on both our faces. The nurse handed him to me to carry first.

Baekhyun pov

When I look at hera carrying the baby, my heart felt so full. The person whom I love is my wife and my baby's mother and now I am actually a father to a very beautiful baby boy.

"Jagi... this is our hyehyun, our byun hyehyun."

I felt her hands on my face, wiping away the happy tears on my face as I did the same to her. I gave hyehyun a little peck on his tiny forehead as he snuggled closer to Hera.

"Oppa... would you like to carry your son?"

My eyes opened wide, I wasn't sure if I could handle such a small baby. I wasn't confident

"I can guide you on how to hold him" dr.choi said as he walked over to us.

He carried the baby from Hera's arms and he told me how I should position my hands and then he placed hyehyun on my arms. Hyehyun snuggled closely the moment he cane in contact with my chest.

Since it was a sudden delivery instead of the planned date. I manage to inform our parents, joy, EXO members and amber noona right before Hera started her delivery. Now dr.choi ask me to wait at her maternity room while they help Hera to clean up along with the baby and they will be transported to the maternity ward shortly after.

After the delivery, one by one they appeared as they wait for hera to be transferred back to the maternity ward. Amber noona and joy arrived first followed by both out parents and then Suho hyung, minseok hyung and Chanyeol. The rest couldn't make it as they had schedules ongoing.

Our parents were sitting down at the sofa while the others were standing around, all of them were congratulating us and then Chanyeol decided to start Instagram live. The viewers came in very fast in like 5 minutes there were already 700k viewers in his livestream.

He did live all the way till hera came in but he didn't show the baby or Hera's face. As she just given birth and she is too tired to do anything. Chanyeol mention made me tell how the delivery process like and how I reacted and my feelings and like the fans were just gushing about the baby.

Hera pov

The nurses helped me clean up and got me into a new hospital gown and then placed hyehyun beside me with one of my arm securing him, He was fast asleep.

"We are now going to move you back to the maternity ward and Dr.choi will visit soon after to brief you on the feeding in the future and other information"

I gave her a light nod as I was feeling tired after the delivery. The nurses pushed on my bed and we made our way to the maternity ward.

"The mother is coming in now, please make space for her bed" one if the nurse went in to announce my arrival before ushering me into the room."

Baekhyun pov

"The mother is coming in now, please make space for her bed" one if the nurse went in to announce my arrival before ushering me into the room."

All of us shuffles our way to the side near the sofa so that we would not block the bed space. The door open and we could see the bed being pushed in. I saw Hera's hair on the pillow as she came in, she looked tired with her little eye bags, I immediately went to her side and grabbed her hand.

Our parents and the others made their way to the made as the nurses locked the bed in place. I gave the nurses a quick nod and they went out. Amber noona, joy and EXO members made way for our parents to be in front of the bed Hera then sat up and carried hyehyun in her arms as she showed to both our parents the baby.

"Umma, Appa, eomonim, abeonim, this is your grandson, Byun Hyehyun"

Umma quickly reached out and carried the baby gently in her arms, hyehyun slowly opened his eyes as he fidget around. Many phones surrounded hyehyun to take his very first picture as he opened his eyes.

Hera pov

As eomonim was carrying hyehyun, I saw joy unnie sobbing beside me as amber unnie was hugging her also.

"Joy unnie, why are you crying?"

"I'm just so happy that I have a godson now"

We all laughed at her comment as she was still sobbing, you could see a little smudge from her eyeliner. After eomonim has carried hyehyun, they passed him around to let the others carry and they all say that hyehyun feels like a very extroverted person, as he doesn't make much noise when other people carries him.

Many of them said that he generally looks more like Baekhyun oppa then me, a little sad but I guess it's better to look like him as he's a very handsome man.

Comments are welcomed and please upvote guys!
Love ya!)

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