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2 weeks after the honeymoon......

Baekhyun pov

I've been eating quite a bit recently, about a week after honeymoon I started getting hungry easily, even during schedules, I'm always constantly looking for snacks. Hera does it too, the food in our fridge usually can last us for about 2 weeks now within a week most of it will be gone.

When I see Hera eat cucumbers I will run to to toilet and puke, I wasn't like that before. I don't puke when I see people eat cucumbers, even jongin thinks there is something wrong with me. He said he didn't see me eat so often in a day, he asked me to go to the doctor.

I'm also worried about Hera, she has been puking every morning, she pukes out almost everything she eats except for cucumbers and her favorite food eggs Benedict.

Hera pov

I don't know what is wrong with me this past week, I've been throwing up almost everyday, whatever I eat will come right out except for cucumbers and my second love, eggs Benedict. I feel bad for Baekhyun oppa because everytime I eat cucumbers he will puke which he didn't in the past.

I noticed that my period isn't here yet, but I didn't worry as much because my period was usually irregular. Sometimes it come early sometimes it comes late. But I have a tiny feeling that my period might be a factor of me feeling like this.

"I think we should visit the hospital and get us checked"
"I think so too oppa, it's not good for you because you have so much schedule on hand."
"I'll call manager oppa to drive us there since he is not busy now"

Baekhyun oppa nodded, He handed me my mask and my sunglasses and he wore his own along with his bucket hat.

After awhile manager oppa brought us to the hospital, the moment we entered everybody looked at us because we were all covered up. However there were still quite a few people that could recognize us.

We went into the diagnosis room for our check up, Baekhyun oppa was screened first and I was waiting at the side. Dr Choi asked how Baekhyun oppa how is he feeling and what is he experiencing.
What he said next shocked me, he said that Baekhyun oppa might be experiencing something called sympathetic pregnancy.

( sympathetic pregnancy: is when the husband feels the symptoms of pregnancy along with the wife)

Then Dr. Choi looked at me and said
"Mrs byun, are you perhaps pregnant?"

I saw Baekhyun oppa's eyes sparkled. I told Dr. Choi that I have no idea, it didn't occur to me that I could be pregnant. He then asked us when we did it, I flushed pink, Baekhyun oppa answered it for me instead

"2 weeks ago"
"Then I think it's a high possibility that mrs byun might be pregnant, do you mind if we do a pregnancy test and and ultrasound?"

I gave him the okay sign, he then pass me a pregnancy test kit and showed me the toilet within the diagnosis room. I made my way in as I read the instructions

"Pee on the pink part of the stick and wait for 2 minutes"

I followed the instructions and the waited for the results.


I feel my eyes turn glassy, my vision slowly blurring then I feel the hot tears flow down my face. I was lost. I feel elated but very worried at the same time. Is this the right time to have a baby? How is Baekhyun oppa gonna react? Will he be happy? What about his career? What will happen to EXO?

Many questions rush through my mind, I didn't know how long I was in the toilet for until Baekhyun oppa called me from outside.

"Jagi, are you okay, what's taking so long?"

I walked out and gave him a light smile trying not to cry. He stopped me from walking out of the toilet both his hand on at either side of my body.

"Did you cry? What happen?"

"Oppa eoteokae? I'm pregnant, what will happen to you, what if your fans hate you?" I couldn't stop the tears that flowed down my cheeks now.

Baekhyun oppa pulled me into his embrace while patting my back, he giggled lightly and said

"I can't believe I byun Baekhyun is gonna be a father and I will have a mini me"

"Oppa, you're not worried?"

"Jagi why do I need to worry, have you forgotten, we are married and not dating so it's normal for a married couple to have kids. Our fans are so supportive of us what makes you think that they will hate us."


We made our way out of the toilet, I handed the test kit to Dr Choi, he congratulated us then he asked me to lay on the ultrasound bed

"Mrs byun, now I am going to apply a gel on your stomach to help us see your baby, it's gonna be a little cold so bear with me alright"

I nodded and allowed him to proceed, then he held a probe and place it where the he'll was and started moving the probe around my lower abdomen to locate the baby. He pointed a pea sized shape in the screen and told me that is where our mini me is growing at. I looked at Baekhyun and his eyes glisten with tears as he bent down and kissed my forehead

I can't wait to tell our parents and EXO Oppas that they are gonna be grandparents and godfathers and godmothers

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I can't wait to tell our parents and EXO Oppas that they are gonna be grandparents and godfathers and godmothers. Joy unnie is gonna start her shopping spree if she heard the news. We also have to break the news to our fans too.


"Ya Hera yah, when you have kid next time I will volunteer to help you fill up their wardrobe and you shall name me as their 1st godmother, I can't wait for your mini me! I wanna pamper them so bad"

-end of flashback-

I shaked my head at that memory.

(A/N: another long chapter, UPVOTE AND COMMENT) <3

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