Part 1 chapter 4 (jerry and unexpected mistake)

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Another day at school
-Anne! - i heard Charlie's sweet voice - Anne wait!
I stopped waiting until he comes to me. He stopped next to me, and bent over trying to catch breath.
I laughed a little, and asked:
- What is so important that you have ran throughout the corridor shouting my name?- he looked deeply into my eyes with a mysterious smile.
- We're going to the party tonight! - i looked at him a little shocked. I didn't expect that.
- Where?
- At Jerry's house!
- OMG! Seriously?!?! Gosh i haven't seen my little brother for such a long time! Did you talk to him? How is he?
- Yea i talked to him! He didn't change at all! He's fine, just really excited about seeing you again!
-Unbelievable , it's been a year since Jerry left for a course in France. I totally forgot that he had to come back yesterday!
-I'm gonna go look for a Jacob right now honey, because i promise him to find some old tests from last year. Don't forget to text me whether Marilla agreed to you go to the party.
- I'll! Bye my angel boo - we smiled at the same moment, And he immediately desapeared behind the corner.
After classes
Anne's pov
-Hi Mathew! Hey Marilla! - i shouted
- Anne, you have to go with us to Charlottown in a moment, we're going to buy 3 new horses, and you'll have to drive on one of them home.- said Marilla
-But Marilla! Please not today! - i begged her - please not today!! Yesterday Jerry comes from France and he's doing a big party tonight! I haven't seen him for ages!!! Marilla please!!!
- No, Anne we have to go tonight! And about Jerry; he's going to be here for at least three years, you'll have enough occasions to go to the party with him! - she seemed now like a soulless creature.
-How can you be so unfeeling?
-Years of practice. Now we gotta go! C'mon!
-Can I just text Charlie that i won't come?
-Sure, but fast.
So i just switched on my phone and write to Charlie :
To Charlie : Honey, I'm sorry but I can't come to the party... Marilla and Matthew are going to Charlottown to buy horses and they need my help. IM SO SAD THAT I WON'T SEE JERRY...
To Anne: Then i won't come too :*
To Charlie: Oh no, no, no! Charles! You're going to this party! I know that you and Jerry are a really good pals! Plz just go and have fun, and can you plz tell Jerry, that I'm really sorry that I didn't came?
- Sure... It'll be hard to have fun w/out you :P but I'll try. And of course I'll apologize for you to Jerry :)
-Oh... And can you plz give him my number at tell him to text me?
-Ofc m'lady <3
-thank you babe <3, now I really gtg! Luv u!!
-love you too Anne!
6 p.m. At Jerry's party
Charlie's pov
Very loud music was already heard from far away. I drove to the parking and headed towards the door. As soon as I opened them I encountered the sight of Jerry. I terribly missed this fool! ! We started to talk about what changed in Avonlea and things like that. Jerry seemed to be a little upset, Because Anne didn't came. But he was very understanding so he only took Anne's number and went to appease the situation in the living room, because someone started to beat there.
However, i went to the kitchen to pour a drink. In the kitchen for my misfortune already sat Josie. I wanted to turn around and go look for my buddies, when she caught me by her hand and she said:
-Charlikins! C'mon here, i want to apologize to you... I know that you have a girlfriend and you don't like me. Sorry about everything can you please just drink w/ me? - She looked sincere.
- You have finally understood! Ok, I can drink with you this one last time... - I gave up.
I sat next to her and quickly drank. Then I left and went to the bathroom. I don't remember anything after.
Jose's pov
When he finally went to the bathroom, I went after him. I grabbed his hand and I pulled him into a nearly free room. I bashed into his drink a strong alcohol and Viagra pill. I laid on the bed next to him and I waited. After about 20 minutes, Charlie started to touch me. I sat on him and he started to kissing me. He grabbed, massaged and chewed my botty and tits. In a hurry we took off our clothes. Charlie placed and palpated with his hands every piece of my body. He was in heat, ready to hump anything that moves. We started to doing this. He was sooo good!
Next morning
Charlie's pov
I woke up in the morning not in my bed. I caught my head, it hurts as hell. I remembered that I was yesterday at the Jerry's party so I probably fall asleep in his house. I walked out of bed and with horror I saw that I was naked. I went to the bathroom, which was in the room to take a shower. I wondered why I am naked, and I thought that maybe some of my buddies made me such a joke. I entered the bathroom and quickly closed the door.
-Charlie?, u want to do this here? - I heard Josie's voice i turned around, and saw her naked standing in a sexy pose in front of me.
-Josie? - i asked - what are you doing here?
-what I'm doing here? You don't remember anything from last night??
I must admit that I couldn't force myself to close my eyes.
-Not really...
-Do not worry you were wonderful- she interrupted me by biting the lip. Anne loves to bite her lips...
-No, no, no!! Please, do not tell me that we have been having sex!
-The best in my life - She groaned, and I covered my hands with my hands... What did I done... In between the time Josie didn't noticed by me approached me and kissed me passiziated. After a short while, I broke away from her and said:
-Anne can not find out! Understand?
-Oh, Charlie she won't find out if you'll do something for me...
-What's that?
-You've gonna spend with me this night.
-What?! No!
-Then I'm calling Anne!
-No, no! I made a mistake, now i have to pay for it...
I walked out of the bathroom, I quickly dressed up and went to the school.
At school
Anne's pov
I went to school very early , because I wanted to do homework in the library. When I was in the library, I heard someone saying , "-this party yesterday... It was so good! I had such a great time! "and then another voice said"-but the most fun had Charlie , haha, after a half hour after he entrance, he pulled this girl to the room, haha"
Then I interrupted them and said:
-Whoa! Who are you??
-Charlie's girlfriend you dumped boi. i asked you!! Who was that girl?!!!
-I don't know... Posie? Losie?
I didn't listen to what he said anymore , I turned around and called Charlie, when he answered I told only:
- I'm waiting for you before school, NOW! . Quickly anger turned into sadness. And as soon as I saw Charlie I cried all over. He ran quickly to me, he hugged me and asked:
-What happened? -he was really upset.
-I really love you !and you... you... - i said
-I love you too Anne! More than everything, more than myself and whole universe!
-So why did you cheated on me, with Josie...?? - He made a terrible pale, and began to cry.
- I don't remember anything... I love you Anne and I don't deserve you, Anne look at me! I fucking love you and I don't know what happened... - I turned around, and I tared my eyes.
-I'm broking up with you - i said very quickly
I didn't turn around.

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