Part 3 Chapter 2 (ME AND HIM)

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Jane's pov.
After the meeting with the guys I pulled out from Max that Carol is going out with his dog every week on Wednesdays, when his father can not, so the next few days are just a countdown to Wednesday.

Without hesitation from the pedestal I throw a Saturday, my only day of unlimited lazing, the day i loved since the moment I putted my leg as a three-year-old in kindergarten.
Week in week i was waiting for this day. And with each year more and more. And now there is an incredible thing: the center of gravity of my yearning is changing on passing Wednesday.

I finally admitted right that Max really like me.

But much more pleased me another observation that probably also Carol like me. By texts I was so somehow easier, so I admitted to Ruby that I also like HIM.
We both decided that we had to do something to let Max understand that I don't like him.

In addition, after this Wednesdays meeting, Max felt more confident. When at the English class we've got a quiz, he gave me a folded card with dates, that we had to add to the given writers. With text : „Do you wanna go after classes for pizza?".

I had a fancy to stab him with a pencil, so as to disable the pain and to make this his gracious piece of kindly strangled.
But the good is to care for yourself first, so I decided to first use the cheat sheet, and then give him in the nose: ,,Sorry, I can't make it." I hoped that he'll forgot the subject. But he didn't forgot.

-Why don't you want to go with me for pizza?

Ups. I have to start working.
-Because I have a food allergy. Do not digest gluten.

-Ohh I didn't know. Well, we can go on ice cream then.

-I have a protein sentence.

-O Jesus, it's so bad? Then you can propose something.

-Ok. We can just go home.

-So immediately to the house? ... Okay... But to yours or mine?

-You to your and me to mine. After the lessons, my mom come always after me.

-Jane, you are still angry?

-Why would I be still angry? - he reminded me of not quite a pleasant situation with Max in the main role from a few months ago.
-That's good... I thought you're still mad...

I see how the face of Max is painted with a grimace of disappointment.
-Too bad.

-Too bad- I repeated
Shit, how to dissuant him? Maybe I need to come up with some other ailments? Infectious herpes? Foot fungus? Viral jaw inflammation? Maybe lice? What do I do? And what if he'll  say all about it to Carol? Surely he will say. No, it's too much risk. I have to settle it in another way.

And when I wonder how it happens that when Ella loves someone , then someone does not love Ella, but Anne, and Anne loves Ellas brother , and not someone , I get the idea to just knock him an arrow of Amor from the side, least he expect it. So I need to provoke a real love intrigue.

And he MUST flip the weight of interest from me to some OTHER (preferably Emily!) and as a result I will only be Carols.

-Too bad-Max repeats again. -I must then let Carol know that today we will not come...

Moment, moment-I think. Two times BUT. Let CAROL know?? That we do not Come?
-Did you invite more people? You have a feast or something ? -I try to play with a  bemoveled tone.

-No, I arranged only with Carol, at the same time we finish classes , and at Wednesdays are in the pizzeria always some interesting promotions, I had the hope that you will join.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2019 ⏰

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