Part 2 Chapter 7 ( a lot of pain and sleep)

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The next day I didn't feel any better, my leg was pulsing with pain all the time but I didn't complain, but my friends knew that I didn't feel great. The wound started to turn purple, I was afraid it would rot, but Gil didn't even want to hear about it, every 10 minutes he was doing something at my leg, or changing the dressing, or pouring a special liquid over the wound and looking at it very carefully. From what I heard, the guys went upstairs to see what was going on with the house and the neighborhood. I, out of tremendous fatigue, fell asleep again after a while.


When the kids went up the mountain, Matthew went to bed, just like the ms. and mrs. Barry. But me and Reachel were sitting in hotels huge living room with Tillie and we started talking, of course there were sentences full of criticism from Reachel, but what surprised me more. . . Tillie has changed since her school days. She was more like Lynde now! Ahhh, the minute I saw them looking at each other with hate , I almost couldn't help laughing! Apart from their appearance, they were almost identical!

Suddenly we noticed from outside the window that it was starting to get dark despite the early hour, I decided to call Anne and ask her if everything was okay, she received a happy reception telling about the unearthly views from the top of the mountain. . . It's ridiculous! How can anything on earth be unearthly? But she quickly hung up because one of her friends noticed that it was raining. We're pretty scared! It's starting to rain, and they're only at the top!

After a while it got even worse, it started to rain thick, heavy rain, lightning struck all the peaks of the mountains in the area, the wind started to blow so hard that the trees bent as if they were just matches. I started calling Anne, but she wouldn't answer, maybe her phone got unloaded ?, or broke down? What if lightning struck Anne? Without thinking long, I got Matthew and Mr. and Mrs. Barry, all three of them, back on their feet as much as we did. . . .

Tillie had a number for the local mountain rescuers, first we called, but nobody answered, then it turned out that there was no signal. . . We didn't know what to do. . . I felt so helpless!

We all sat around each other, shake hands and pray hotter than ever before.


I woke up, and the first thing that greeted me was a huge pain piercing my whole body, and I screamed, I just couldn't stop it any longer. Fred and Ruby ran up to me, she was checking if everything was alright with my leg, and Fred gave me the penultimate dose of morphine, I swallowed it greedily and waited for relief. I remembered that I dreamt of Marilla and Matthew, a tear flowed down my cheek.

-Are you up yet? - I heard Billy's caring voice over me - does it still hurt a lot?

-Uh, it's not that bad! - I lied - how's it going upstairs? Are we going back to the hotel?

-. . . I don't know how to tell you this. . . -He started insecure.

- Something wrong? - He looked away from me - Something wrong with Gilbert?!

-No, no, everything is actually fine with him - I breathed a sigh of relief - just. . . the trees blurred all the exits and windows. . . the only removal is the window. . . the skylight window. . .

-How are we gonna get out?!- I didn't know what to say.

-We thought we'd go get help and Diana would stay with you. . . . .

-But there's still a storm going on! The wind can be heard even here, underground, and if anything happens to ya'll?

-Anne, we don't know what's gonna happen to your leg, you need a doctor! Morphine's running out! Don't even try to pretend you're feeling better! We all know what it's like!

I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. . .

-Come back quickly. . . -I said in a hoarse voice.


They went faster than I thought, Ruby, Jane, Fred, Billy, Jery, Max, Cole and. . . Gilbert.

They didn't even give me a chance to say anything, they just disappeared into the roof one by one, wearing the huge coats they found in the house. Jane was fine, Ruby almost cried when she went out through the roof. . . but she clamped her teeth. My brave little Ruby. There was far too much room for me and Diana in this tiny house. We were sitting in a shelter. In silence.I wanted to talk to her, but I noticed that Diana was quietly praying, I didn't want to disturb her, so I also tried to pray, but. . . I quickly fell asleep.


We prayed all night, woke up very early, Tillie suggested we should go to bed or at least eat something. We were not hungry, though. I started crying hysterically, which was totally inappropriate, but I didn't care about it at that moment. I started to remember everything that ever made Anne feel bad about me, and Reachel and Tillie hugged me and assured me that it wasn't my fault, but how can I believe them?

I was so consumed with crying that I didn't even notice when I fell asleep.


I woke up late in the evening and scolded myself for not being awake. I noticed huge bags under the eyes of all the people gathered here. Ms. Barry slept with uneven breath on her husband's chest.

Then I heard a knock on the door. . . I got up like a burn. I ran a sprint to the door, our whole crew was running right behind me. I opened the door. . .

In front of me were Fred, Jerry, Ruby, Gilbert, Max, Cole, jane and. . . Billy, but no trace of Diana and Anne.

Right behind me, Ms. Barry sank to the floor.

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