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Next morning.. Tuesday, December 12th, 2018

I open my eyes and squint from the sun shining in my room. I roll over onto my side and notice Sada's still asleep. Once my eyes adjust to the bright sun I notice it beaming perfectly on her. Her lips are slightly parted making room for light snores to escape her mouth. I snicker because she sounds like a baby bear.

I gently glide my finger down her nose and around her eyebrows. Her skin is glistening and her eyelashes are perfectly curled. I drag my finger down to her cheek and her eyebrows scrunch at my touch. I pull my hand away and stare at her for a few seconds until her eyes creek open.

"Hi." She says in a soft voice and a closed mouth smile.

"Hi sleepy head." I respond with a smile identical to hers. Her eyes lock onto mine and my stomach does flips. I pull my eyes away feeling myself get sucked into her deep brown orbs and sit up to stretch. She sits up beside me and pushes her locs out of her face.

"Do you know what time it is?" She mumbles. I feel around the bed for my phone and find it under my pillow. I press the Home button and the time says its 7:45am. Way too early for me to be up.

"7:45." She gasps loudly and hops off of my bed.

"Shit. I'm gonna be late for school." She says pulling her pants on and I giggle as I watch her frantically fly around the room looking for her stuff.

"Just don't go." I say with a shrug and she pauses for a minute as if she's contemplating but quickly shakes her head no.

"I have a test in 3rd period! I can't." She exclaims, still rummaging around the room.

"Go in late." I suggest, getting up from my bed and walking out to go to the bathroom. I rummage through our closet and grab her a toothbrush along with a washcloth for her face.

"Thank you." She says sweetly before she frantically goes into the bathroom to brush her teeth. I laugh loudly and follow her to do the same.

We both quietly freshen ourselves up and I hear her phone vibrating on the dresser. I quickly go into my room to get it. "Tori's calling you." I shout to her from my room. She peeks her head out of the bathroom with the floss in between her teeth.

"Answer it please." She says sticking her head back into the bathroom. I shrug and slide the bar over and her face pops into the screen.

"Hey sunshine do you need me to- Oh hey Billie." She says with a smile before it drops in shock. "Billie? Why are you answering Sada's phone?"

"Billie?!" I hear loudly in the background and Kevin's face appears along with Nya's. I wave with a smile.


"Where's our best friend?" Nya says cutting me off and I smile. They're clearly over protective of her. I walk in front of the bathroom seeing her humming and dancing to whatever's in her head with a floss strip in her head.

"In my bathroom." I say flipping the camera over to show her flossing her teeth. She turns around at the sound of my voice and smiles. I flip the camera back around and pass her the phone.

"Sada Mandir Anthony! What are you doing?" Kevin says calling her by her government name and I snicker.

"Flossing." She replied, nonchalantly and props her phone up against the sink.

"Are you coming to sch-"

"Are you wearing Billie's shirt?!" Tori asks in shock and I make a oop noise. I reach over her to get into the medicine cabinet to get my moisturizer and they gasp seeing me only in a shirt.

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