thirty seven (alternate edition)

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*song for this chapter is Learn Your Lesson by Madison McFerrin*


"Do you think it's fun for me having to see this shit all the time Billie?!" I ask, as I point to my phone that's laying beside her.

"You're making a big deal out of nothing Sada! It's pointless to argue over this again." She huffs, sliding up to lean against the wall.

"It isn't fucking pointless! I'm tired of you trying to sweep this under the rug!" She throws her head back in response and groans loudly.

"Sweeping it under the rug? There's nothing to even get worked up about. Jesus fucking christ."

"Billie you were spotted with this dude yet again! You stood me up yet again! You've been acting like an asshole to me all week but wanted me to jump at the chance to fuck you. What is he not fulfilling you enough?" I accuse and she drops her jaw at my accusations.

"You think I'm sleeping with him?" Her voice at a harsh tone I'd never heard before.

"What else could you be doing?" She licks over her lips and chuckles, tearing her eyes away from mine. I fold my arms across my chest and wait for her to respond.

"You think I'd stoop that low? You really think I'd cheat on you?" She flicks her eyes up to mine and I almost crumble at the look in her eyes.

"I don't trust you around him."

"If you don't trust me then why are you here?" Her voice coming out louder than both of us expecting, making me flinch.

"I'm here because I want to be with you bird brain! Take your head out of his ass and you'd see that! Realize it before it's too fucking late." I swing her door open and trudge down the hall. I don't get too far before feeling her grab my arm.

"Before it's too late?" She asks, and I glance at Finneas on the couch, down to my feet and back at up her.

"Yes, I'm tired of being disrespected by you Billie. I'll call you later." I slip my arm from her grasp and walk out of the door.

So many times, I've walked out that door and never wanted to come back. So many times I've left her there and have wanted to run back. I should've never left the night we finally ended.

"Cut the fucking shit for once! How many times do I need to walk out of this fucking door for you to realize what you're doing to me?"

I've stood in that same spot. Watching her eyes plead for me not to go. I've stood in that same spot while she watched my eyes plead for her not to let me go.

"You can leave." She holds the door open and I sling my book bag over my shoulder.

"You're putting me out because I cussed your boyfriend out?" I chuckle bitterly and she avoids my eyes. I nod and walk out of the door.

How many times did I have to leave for her to get it? How many times did we have to argue for us to realize it? We're no good for each other.

"Get out of my car!" I yell, pointing to the door.

"Get out?! No I won't get out until you talk to me! Stop acting like a fucking child dude!" She yells back and I groan loudly.

"Just get out! I don't want to talk right now."

"When I say something you don't like you don't wanna talk? That's childish as fuck Sada." She scoffs and I shrug.

"If I'm so childish, don't be with me. Be with someone mature enough to handle you." I mumble, looking out of the window.

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