wallflowers // ironstrange

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wallflowers // ironstrange
flower shop au

Tony was brought back to reality as the loud sounds of AC/DC stopped playing through the speakers. He had had a long night in the workshop again, or, well, he thought it was night.

"What the hell, Jay?" The mechanic asked.

"Sir, you set a reminder to let you know that Ms. Pott's birthday is today." The A.I.'s voice echoed throughout the room.

"What the hell do you mean Pepper's birthday is today? It's Tuesday evening." Tony rolled his eyes and wondered if his programming was really that faulty.

"Sir, it's Wednesday. Nearly noon." The A.I. responded.

"Shit." Tony muttered before scrambling to clean his work station.

It was well after noon when Tony finally left, groomed and dressed.

"JARVIS, find flower shops near me."

"Sir, there are seventy-two flower shops near you." JARVIS replied almost instantly.

"Get the one with the highest reviews." Tony murmured.

He knew that if Pepper found out he would be in such deep shit not even JARVIS would be able to shovel him out, but he couldn't help it. He was defenseless against the blaring sound of AC/DC and the captivity of his projects. It was like a wet dream to him.

"Sir, shall I give Mr. Hogan the directions?" JARVIS asked.

"Yes." Tony replied quickly.

     Less than thirty minutes later Tony was stepping into the damp air of the Wallflower. It was the farthest from the tower, but had the best reviews.

It was a small building and it looked very bland on the outside, the inside, however, was a different story. The walls were painted a pale blue-ish grey, and the floor was a rich light brown hardwood.

The man working the counter looked somewhat surprised, but smiled warmly at Tony.

"Hello, mister Stark, how may I help you?" The man asked. His hair was dark with streaks of white on the sides. He had high cheek bones and his eyes were just bluer than the color of the walls.

     "Hi, uh, mister..?" Tony started."

     "Strange. Stephen Strange." The man smiled.

     "Well mister Strange, I need help. I fucked up, badly. I something that says sorry, but I value our friendship, but mostly sorry, also you terrify me, so happy birthday." Tony inwardly cringed.

     "A forgotten birthday?" Strange asked. "Is this for Ms. Pott's perhaps?"

     "Ah, well, uh, yes." Tony smiled awkwardly.

     "A fine bouquet for the lady in charge it shall be." Strange muttered as he began gathering flowers from around the shop, "this should be quick."

Tony watched as the man, Stephen Strange, tangled and twirled together the stems of the flowers, to Tony it seemed like a boring profession, but Stephen made it look like a fascinating thing.

After about twenty minutes Stephen clipped the uneven ends and wrapped the bouquet in a clear tissue-papery sleeve. He passed the bouquet over the counter to Tony, who took it.

"You're like a florist wizard!" Tony exclaimed, inspecting the bouquet.

"Don't be foolish, sorcerer sounds much more sophisticated." Stephen corrected.

"Sure it does, flower wizard." Tony snorted, "so, what do they all mean, anyways?"

"Well," the flower 'sorcerer' pointed to a purple flower, "this is a purple hyacinth, usually it would represent sadness, like, when someone passes, but it also represents sorrow, so this particular flower represents your, 'sorry' statement." The man explained.

     "And this one? The yellow rose, I mean." Tony asked.

     "In this case, the yellow rose represents friendship. As in, 'I value our friendship.'"

     "An this, uh, this pink one?"

     "Ah, this is a pink begonia flower. It's one of my favorites because it can mean panic and fear or romance and love. In this case it means fear because you said she terrifies you." Stephen smiled. "And finally, the other pink flowers are roses. They're given to show appreciation."

"That sums it up pretty nicely, wizard." Tony smirked.

"Oh please, I only answered your questions." The man replied.

"Alright, well, uh," Tony slid three one hundred dollar bills on the counter, "keep the change." Tony smiled.

Stephen gaped then scrambled to grab one more thing, "I- uh- here." The man looked away as he help out another rose, this one lavender. "To you, from me."

"And this is?" Tony cocked his eyebrow, taking the flower.

"Lavender rose. Used to express love at first sight." The florist was blushing wildly. He looked up to see Tony smiling softly at him.

"I, uh. Damn. I'm at a loss for words. I kind of wish I had one to give you back." Tony was blushing.

"What would that be?" Stephen asked.

"Is there a flower other than can express love between strangers?" Tony asked, his blush growing darker.

"Peonies. Peonies signify romantic love especially between two strangers." Stephen replied.

"Well then, Stephen Strange, I would like you to know that if I had any peonies, they would be yours. But since I don't would my number suffice?" Tony asked. "Hell, of course it would, you gave me a lavender rose for fucks sake." Tony snorted.

Stephen was much too surprised to reply, so he just fished his phone out of his pocket and slid it across the counter to the man.

"Call me sometime, wizard." Tony smirked and walked to the door of the small shop.

Stephen swallowed and nodded hastily.

"Until then," Tony smiled and backed out the door, leaving the shop and the man.

// chhht I literally just finished this so it's not edited. sorry not sorry. also, didya like it?? should I part 2 or leave it at that?? //

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