snaptastic // stony

646 8 27

tw: death
word count: 364
takes place: endgame
idea by: viintagecherry
notes: it's bad, don't kill me pls

Thanos's army had turned to dust.

Steve was grateful, but confused as he only knew of the gauntlet turning things to dust. He didn't see Tony. He didn't know that Tony was the one who wished away Thanos and his army. He didn't know his lover was dying, if not already dead.

Steve scanned the battle field. He saw Scott running towards Hope and Wong chatting with Strange. Peter screamed Steve's name.

Steve ran towards the boy, "Hey, kid. It's been a while." He chuckled before seeing what Peter was pointing at.

     It was Tony, half of his body charred and his suit in pieces. The uncharred part of his face was bloody and his eyes were closed.

Steve screamed, falling to his knees.

     Tony mumbled a quiet, "Steve, shh."

     Steve nodded, he quit screaming a moved closer to Tony. "What happened?" He asked softly.

     "Saved the world." Tony mumbled.

"I love you, Tony. Please don't die." Steve tried to hide his tears, failing miserably.

"I'm tired, Capsicle. Enjoy your peace," he mumbled. The dying man let out a soft huff and the Arc Reactor's light blue glow gave away to darkness.

Steve felt a new round of hot tears roll down his cheeks, "it shouldn't have been you! You always have to be the hero. I wish you would have let someone else be the hero." Steve was sobbing, Peter massaging circles into the man's back.

The boy was crying, too.

     "Mr. Stark, you did it." Peter hiccuped.

     Steve pulled the boy closer, side-hugging him.

     "He was against what we pulled to get the stones at first." Steve started, "but he changed his mind when he saw the picture of you guys holding your Stark Internship certificate." Steve let out another sob.

     Peter let out a small gasp then another cry.

     "He liked you a lot, kid. One of the first things he said when he got back from Titan was about you, y'know? He said, I lost the kid. He was really upset." Steve said, his voice cracking.

     Rhodes and Thor joined the two, calling over the rest of the gathered heroes.

     "We're gonna miss you, Mr. Stark." Peter cried out. 

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