you shouldn't be here // spideypool

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tw: none
word count: 403
idea by: viintagecherry

     Peter woke with a start, his throat dry and scratchy. The room was dark and he could hear the busy streets of late-night Queens from the closed window. He sighed. He had moved into his own apartment not even a month ago and he was already regretting it.

     It was nearly three and Peter knew he wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep, so he got up to get water.

     He flicked on the lights of the kitchen and paused, staring at the man sitting on the counter. He stared for a good minute before it registered.

     Red, black, leather, swords.

     "Why the hell are you here?" Peter asked, he crossed his arms and squinted his eyes.

     "Am I not allowed to visit my favoritest superhero in the whole entire world?" Wade asked sweetly.

     "Not unless you have a permit," Peter snarked. "But seriously, why are you in my apartment at three in the morning eating chips on my clean countertop with your bloodstained suit and-" Peter paused. "Who did you kill?"

     "What? Nobody! I didn't kill anybody!" Wade was quick to answer.

     "Alright then," Peter pinched the bridge of his nose, "why are you in my kitchen at three in the morning?" 

     "I wanted to see you."

     "That's sweet and all, but why so early?" Peter asked.

     "I was on patrol so I thought I'd swing by." Wade chuckled at his own joke.

     "You did not just make spider pun."

     "Oh, but I did." Wade smiled. His mask was up, over his mouth and nose so he could eat the chips.

     "Your chips or mine?" Peter asked.


     "Right. I'll give you two options: get out or go change. You will not wear that bloody body suit in here."

     "I'll change, I'll change!" Wade was delighted at the given opportunity. He swung around his hello kitty backpack and pulled out a t-shirt and a pair of pajama pants.

     "Bathroom is over there, leave the suit in the shower so it drips down the drain instead of all over my floor." Peter pointed in the direction beyond the small living room and Wade nodded, practically falling off the counter to go get changed.

     "This idiot." Peter mumbled, filling a cup with water and bringing it to his lips.

     Once Wade had changed, they both cuddled together in the living room, watching bad television movies into the early morning.


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