six minutes // stucky

787 14 15

tw: death, murder, blood
word count: 476

It's a strange thing, wondering how long you'll survive in a situation. This was by no means the first time Steve had done it, but by far the closest he'd gotten to his estimated limit.

"Six minutes." He shouted to the coms to whoever could hear.

That was his estimate. He'd survive this situation on his own for six minutes before he would need backup or he would die. It had never been the latter until today.

     "Do you think you can try for ten, Cap?" Sam asked over the com.

     "Six minutes. If I take a turn here I'd say about eight, but it would take longer to get to me." Steve answered.

     Their plan had failed when they realized there were far more aliens then they had thought. The ground team, which consisted of Natasha and Steve, were separating small groups off from the rest. The roof team, Clint and Bucky, took care of Steve's groups and the sky team, Tony and Sam, took care of Natasha's. Clint had run out of arrows long ago and Tony's suit's thrusters had been busted by one of the creatures.

     Steve had attracted much too large of a group to be able to take care of on his own and he expected his limit would come soon.

     "Run faster, Rodgers." Bucky advised. He was on a nearby roof, shooting at the aliens following Steve.

     Steve threw his shield out behind him, hitting two of the creatures and knocking them out cold.

     "I can't, Buck." Steve replied. He was having trouble breathing due to his asthma and he felt as if we was going to collapse.

     "Four minutes." He coughed.

     "Hang in there, Cap." Sam replied quickly.

     The winged man was fast, but the aliens were faster, so they got to Steve first.

     "Zero minutes." Steve wheezed as one of the creatures cut him off, tossing him backwards into the rest of the horde.

     They killed him rather quickly.

     "Rodgers! Rodgers, answer me!" Bucky called desperately to the dead man.

     "I'll do a flyby, Barnes. I'm taking you down there, so get ready." Sam stated, Tony had summoned up a new suit and was helping Natasha.

     When the pair got to the ground they saw the red, white, and blue clad man. His suit had been reddened by blood and the aliens had made a rather excessive slit in the man's throat.

     "Steve!" Bucky screamed.

     Sam kept a firm hold on the soldier. He knew he wouldn't be able to hold the man for long, but he would try.

     "Bucky, he's gone." Sam stated.

     "No shit, Wilson!" The man growled. "Let me go so I can see him!" The man grunted as he pushed the winged man off of him.

     Bucky let out a strangled cry and Sam drew near.

     He was right. He only had six minutes.

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