coffee and cuddles // hawksilver

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tw: none
word count: 737

"Kid, it's time to get up," Clint whispered, smiling at the sleeping figure next to him.

"Ngh. No, it's not." Pietro whined at the blond man.

"Please, baby. It's almost noon." The archer persisted.

"I don't care. I want to sleep all day and I want to cuddle and sleep and cuddle some more." The runner murmured.

"We have stuff to do today." Clint mumbled. It was a lie, he just really wanted the silver-haired man to get up.

"No we don't." Pietro grumbled. "You just want me to get up and cook for you."

"And am I to blame for your marvelous culinary skills?" The archer asked, making puppy dog eyes at the other man.

"Fine, whatever. I'll meet you downstairs in a minute." The runner yawned, sitting up and stretching.

"Score!" Clint chuckled, leaving the room before Pietro could it take back.

A few minutes later the runner emerged from the staircase wearing a pair of boxers and Clint's purple hoodie. It was much too big on them, but the archer didn't seem to care as he thought the runner looked adorable. His silver hair was messy and his eyes looked sleepy.

"What do you want?" Pietro asked, looking over to Clint.

"Bacon, coffee, eggs, coffee." Clint replied quickly.

"I'll do one of those things. You can make your own coffee." Pietro snorted, reaching into the fridge and pulling out a couple of eggs.

Clint pouted, but started the coffee machine.

"How do you want them?" The runner asked, taking a pan down from a hook on the wall and grabbed two plates from the cupboard.

"Hard boiled." The archer replied.

"You are truly disgusting. How does over easy sound?" Pietro asked.

"Sounds like they aren't hard boiled." Clint grumbled.

"Right, over easy it is." Was Pietro's reply as he set the pan on the stove and set the heat to high.

"Coffee?" The archer asked, offering the silver-haired man a mug.

The runner took the mug, taking a sip, "thanks, old man."

"No problem," Clint nodded, bringing the nearly full coffee pot to his lips and taking a gulp of the dark liquid.

     "That can't be healthy." Pietro nodded towards the pot. He cracked an egg into the pan.

     "Not with that attitude." Clint remarked, taking another gulp of the bean water.

     Pietro snorted at his boyfriend's snide comment, flipping the egg over quickly.

"Lazy day?" Clint asked.

"Old man, every day is a lazy day for you." Pietro chuckled, "but I guess I could have a lazy day with you if you wanted."

"I want." Clint replied almost instantly, smirking.

"Alright, babe." Pietro smiled at Clint and flipped the egg onto a plate.

"Ugh, this takes forever." The archer groaned.

     "Just take the one of the plate for now. There's no rush, I can make as many as you want." The runner chuckled at the man and slid the plate across the counter to Clint.

     "Thanks, baby." Clint murmured before stabbing the egg with a fork and watching the yolk gush from the center.

     "You are such a child sometimes." Pietro rolled his eyes, but laughed.

"You love me." Clint snorted as he ate the egg.

"Yes, old man. I love you." Pietro nodded to the archer.

"I love you, too, baby." Clint murmured as he slid his plate back to the silver-haired man. He picked up the coffee pot and took a gulp.

     Thirty minutes later the two men were back in bed, cuddling.

     "Thank you for breakfast, baby." Clint purred into the runner's ear, nuzzling his face into the man's neck.

Pietro loved the feeling of Clint's hot breath on his neck, it made him feel fuzzy inside. It was as if someone had taken the pleasantness of birds singing in the morning and implanted it in his heart. I was a feeling he could get high off of. The silver-haired man loved he feeling of Clint's chin stubble against the sensitive skin of his neck and shoulders. He loved when Clint talked to him even though the blond was pretty much half-asleep. He loved everything about Clint.

"Ngh. You're warm." Then archer murmured, burying his face father into the man's neck. "And you look really hot in my sweatshirt."

Pietro felt his cheeks get warm and he felt Clint's smirk on his skin.

"I love you, baby." Clint murmured.

"I love you, too." Pietro smiled.

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