prevention hotline // ironstrange

747 24 3

tw: use of the suicide hotline

word count: 258

note: this is the actual suicide prevention hotline number, please don't call it unless you actually need help.

     Stephen stormed in on his boyfriend, who was tinkering with a piece of his suit. 

     "Who the hell were you calling last night?" Stephen demanded. He usually wasn't very aggressive, but he needed to know if Tony was back to his playboy ways.

     Tony jumped, spinning around on his heel. He had visibly paled and seemed uncomfortable.

     "Nobody, Stephen. I swear." Was Tony's quick answer.

     "Don't lie, Anthony. I heard you, 'hey, it's Tony again.' It didn't sound like nobody!" The wizard hissed.

     "It wasn't anyone, Stephen! I promise." Tony cried. The man was near tears.  

     Stephen only raised an eyebrow, "Fri, read back Anthony's call history." 

     Tony mentally cursed himself for giving Stephen such high authority with F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s systems. 

     "One moment, sir." The AI responded.

     A hologram lit up in front of Stephen. 

     Bruce. Stephen. Pepper. Stephen. Peter. Stephen. 

     Then a number Stephen didn't recognize.


     Stephen didn't hesitate, "Fri, call the eight hundred number." 

     The line rung. Once, twice, three times before someone answered.

     It was a lady with a soft, soothing voice. 

     "Suicide prevention lifeline." 

     Stephen looked to Tony as a tear ran down the man's cheek before Stephen spoke. "Misdial. Horribly sorry, ma'am." 

     "Oh, alright. Have a nice day." Was the lady's response before the line went dead. 

     "Anthony." Stephen's voice was soft. He knew he was going to cry. 

     Tony approached Stephen slowly, slipping into the man's arms. 

     "Shh. It's okay." Tony cooed. 

     Stephen felt like he was supposed to be the one saying that, but he could quite bring himself to speak. 

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