midnight confessions // ironstrange

848 19 11

tw: none
word count: 287

It was nearly midnight and Tony couldn't sleep in the unfamiliar room.

Tony's quarters in the tower had been destroyed in a recent battle, so Stephen offered him a room at the Sanctum. Even though Tony could have just moved to the guest quarters until his floor was fixed, he accepted Stephen's offer.

     Tony liked the sorcerer, more than he'd care to admit. Hell, he loved the man.

     Stephen had gone to the length of labeling the doors so Tony wouldn't get lost, so it was easy for Tony to find the sorcerer's room. He walked down the hallway, the old wood floors creaking under his feet. He read the door labels by the uncovered light of the ark reactor.

     Tony knocked on Stephen's door once, then opened it, stepping inside. He walked over to the bedside, doing his best to avoid creaky floorboards.

"Stephen." Tony whisper-yelled to the man. "Stephen, wake up."

The man grumbled incoherently for a moment. "Mmmm, what do you want?" He mumbled, his words slurred together due to drowsiness and he yawned.

"Well, I, um, I can't sleep and, um-" Tony was cut off by Stephen's tired voice.

"You could have chosen anyone else to wake up and bother, just tell me what." Stephen mumbled.

"I, uh, I love you."

"Mmm, I love you, too. Now get in my bed right the fuck now and go to sleep." The sorcerer mumbled.

"Oh, uh, okay." Tony replied, climbing into the bed next to the man and slipping under the covers.

Tony cuddled into the sorcerer's side. He had wrapped Stephen's arm around himself.

"Goodnight, Anthony." Stephen whispered.

"Goodnight." Tony answered.

They fell asleep, cuddled together, enjoy each others presence and body heat.

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