the inability to sleep and chamomile tea // ironstrange

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tw: none
word count: 645
idea by: viintagecherry

A loud crash sounded from downstairs.

Stephen jumped awake, summoning his shields. He glanced to the bed next to him, empty.

He sighed, letting the shields fade away and got up.

Tony was in his lab-turned-workshop, hunched over something that Stephen couldn't see.

"Anthony, baby." Stephen murmured, shaking his head. His voice sounded drowsy seeing he had just woken up.

The sorcerer wrapped his arms around the man's torso from behind. Tony jumped, startled. He hadn't heard Stephen come in or murmur his name as he had headphones over his ears blasting AC/DC.

The mechanic reached up, slipping the headphones off his head.

"Anthony, I thought you came to bed." The sorcerer whispered into the man's ear.

"I couldn't fall asleep." The mechanic answered. He didn't stop his tinkering and continued to mess with the gadget.

"Anthony, come to bed please." Stephen whispered into his lover's ear.

"But I'm so close to finishing this." Tony muttered.

"Anthony, you need to sleep." Stephen growled.

"No, I don't." Tony countered.

"I will pick you up and manhandle you up to bed." Stephen threatened.

"I will scream bloody murder if you do that." Tony shot back, continuing to tinker with the gadget.

"Then I guess I'll be apologizing to Steve in the morning." Stephen muttered. Tony didn't have time to process the sorcerer's words before his chair was spun around and he was picked up.

"Stephen, stop! Put me down!" Tony screamed as he struggled in the man's arms.

"No." Stephen muttered, tightening his grip.

"Let me go, let me go, let me go! Put me down!" Tony continued to scream.

"Stop screaming, you're going to hurt your throat." Stephen murmured.

"Put me down!" Tony's screams had become violent sobs and his struggling subsided to weak wriggling. Stephen put the man down, hugging him close and rubbing his back.

"Sh, hey. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. What's wrong, love? Why won't you come to bed?" Stephen asked, he was concerned for his lover.

"I just can't." The man replied.

"Please? Anthony, I want to help you." Stephen whispered gently.

"I have these really horrible nightmares. They won't go away. I want to sleep, but I'm scared." Tony cried into Stephen's chest.

The sorcerer pet the man's hair in an attempt to get him to calm down.

"Why did you tell me sooner?" Stephen asked, his deep baritone voice was soft and gentle.

"Because I thought you wouldn't care." Tony hiccuped.

"Of course I care, Anthony. Now, I'm going to take you up to bed, and I'm going to make you some tea for your throat, and then I'm going to help you fall asleep. Is that okay?" The sorcerer asked.

Tony nodded and the man picked him up again.

"Friday, lights off." Stephen called into the room.

The two left the room, walking up a short set of stairs and heading off to their room.

Stephen set Tony on the bed gently, "stay here, I'll be right back." He whispered.

     Tony nodded, doing as he was told and staying in the room.

     Stephen came back a few minutes later with a cup of tea, a jar of honey, and a spoon.

     Stephen handed the tea to Tony. "It has honey, milk, and sugar in it already. Just drink it. It will help you sleep."

     The tea was a chamomile-passionflower fusion that Stephen had made specifically for Tony. It was supposed to relive his anxiety and improve sleep.

     Stephen spooned out some honey from the jar and held it towards Tony, keeping his hand under it so it wouldn't drip. "And this will help soothe your throat."

Tony swallowed the honey, then began drinking the tea.

     An hour later Tony was cuddled up to the sorcerer, snoring softly while said sorcerer pet his hair.

     "Sleep well, love." Stephen whispered before falling asleep.

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