something really dangerous // ironstrange

739 13 0

tw: none
word count: 319

     Tony peeked around the corner, he saw the bad guy, gun in hand. He looked to Stephen, who was standing behind him.

     "He's right around the corner." He whispered.

     "Right. So, let's get this straight: this is really dangerous. You ran diagnostics and even though they came out negative you're going to fight this guy anyways. Why did I let you talk me into this, again?" Stephen asked his husband, rolling his eyes.

     "You like when I'm in my workshop for days and you get to help take care of me when I've been down there too long. You like sparring with me. Oh, and you enjoy having a little spoon. And you like when I call you wizard. And you like that I can't cook, so I rely on you for food. Oh, and you like when I have the most random thoughts out of nowhere. And you like when I subconsciously hum." Tony continued to list small things that he did.

     Stephen sighed and nodded, "point taken," he mumbled. He was smiling. He did enjoy all the things that Tony had listed about himself.

     "Oh," Tony turned back to face the sorcerer, "and you love me and you insisted on coming with me, you ass." Stephen didn't have to see Tony's face to know he was smirking.

     "There is that, I suppose." Stephen smiled.

     Tony scoffed and stepped around the corner. The bad guy had heard the two and called for backup, so there were six extra men with the original guy.

     "I'll take the big one, you take care of the others." Tony shouted at Stephen, who nodded.

     Tony had been shot twice, but they won the fight. Stephen had declared that the shots wouldn't be fatal as long as the bullets were removed as soon as possible and then he had nagged the man about jumping in front of him to be his human shield.

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