you're on drugs // hawksilver

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tw: none
word count: 477

"Clint can you pick Pietro up from the dentist's office? He's just got his wisdom teeth pulled and I would pick him up, but, um, well, Steve insists I go on this mission with him." Wanda had explained to the man why she wouldn't be able to pick up her brother.

     Clint sighed, "what time?"

     "Oh, thank you! He should be done in an hour or so." The girl thanked the man.

     "No problem." The man replied.

     "Alright, bye Clint!" Clint could tell the girl was smiling on the other end of the line.

     "Goodbye, Wanda."

     An hour had passed and Clint was getting the boy buckled into the car. He was still loopy from the laughing gas.

     "You're not Wanda." The silver haired boy giggled.

     "No? What gave it away?" Clint replied, he had planned on playing along with whatever Pietro was saying.

     "Your hair is grey!" He exclaimed.

     "Ouch, kid. That stings." The man chuckled, shaking his head as he started the car.

"Do you know a man named Clint?" Pietro asked.

Clint raised an eyebrow, curious as to where this was going. "I do, yes."

"He's cute." The boy giggled.

Clint felt his face heat up slightly, "I do think I should tell him you said that."

     Pietro's eyes widened, "no! No don't tell him! I love him! Don't tell him!" The boy started crying.

Clint could only chuckled, "I won't tell him, I was just kidding. So, why do you like Clint anyways?" The man asked, he wasn't sure whether he wanted to know what the boy thought about him or if he just wanted Pietro to stop crying.

     "Well, he shoots arrows and makes it looks cool. He always seems so tired and sometimes he falls asleep in the vents." Pietro rambled on and on about the little things that Clint did that made him smile.

Clint chuckled. "Y'know kid, maybe you should tell him." He suggested to the boy.

"No way!" Pietro exclaimed. "He'd never love me! He's so old, he doesn't know what love is! Plus, the only thing he loves is his arrows!"

Clint mentally facepalmed. The kid was stupid when he wasn't in his right mind.

They arrived back at the tower and Clint helped Pietro unbuckle. "Can you walk?" He asked.

"Nope." The boy popped the 'p'. He could, but it was obvious he didn't want to. "Carry me."

     Clint sighed and let the boy climb onto his back. He carried Pietro through the tower's lobby, up the elevator and to his quarters.

     When the man was walking out of the room after he had tucked the boy into bed and told him to sleep well he heard a small, "wait."

     Clint froze and glanced over his shoulder.

     The boy smiled, "I love you, Clint."

     "I love you too, kid." The man smiled back, leaving the room.

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