that's quite enough // ironstrange

811 11 5

tw: none
word count: 245
villain! Stephen

Tony had cut off from the rest of the Avengers. He had to. Stephen wasn't like the average villain. He was powerful.

Powerful enough to outfight Tony.

The man's flaw? He cared.

Stephen couldn't help but to care about the people he fought. He had beaten Tony, but he wouldn't just leave him here for dead.

     "I said that's enough now." Stephen caught hold of of Tony's wrists as the man struggled to continue their fight. Stephen let his shields of light disappear, drawing the hero close.

     Stephen's embrace may have been comforting if it didn't have the unyielding restraint of shackles.

     "There we go. You've been hurt enough for one day."

     Tony's struggle against the villain's hold did nothing but exhaust the armored man. The hero eventually fell limp against his opponent.

Stephen gently brought the man down to the ground, the two becoming a tangle of limbs.

You did this. You hurt me. Tony wanted to scream at the man. He couldn't find the energy to move, much less form proper words.

"Shh." Stephen murmured. It sounded like a warning, but Tony wasn't sure. He couldn't be. How could someone who hurt him this bad turn around and try to help him like this? The man continued. "That's quite enough. You've done more than enough. You're so brave to come and fight me alone. There's no shame in surrendering and living another day, alright? You can come back and try again any time."

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