couldn't have gone worse // supreme family

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tw: graphic imagery, death, murder, loki being a bad guy
word count: 1114
notes: please don't kill me I love you all, I promise

     Stephen was sitting on cold, hard floor. He was unable to move. He knew there was a spell that could stop Loki's mind control, but he couldn't perform it as it required a certain hand movement, and, well, he couldn't move.

     Stephen wasn't sure how it had turned out this way. Something about Stephen's backup making a wrong move that exposed him for a second too long and Tony being too worried for his own good.

     Peter had gone missing days ago. It turned out Loki had captured him while he was out on patrol.

     Stephen and Tony had been so worried about the boy. Their child that they were raising together. The third, and who Tony had declared not to be the final, member of the 'Supreme Family' as everyone had called it.

Stephen didn't know if this was Loki's original plan, but the man sure was getting a kick out of it.

He had Peter under his mind control, except Peter wasn't able to control his thoughts or actions. Peter was like Loki's rag doll right now. He was obliged to do whatever Loki wanted because he couldn't think for himself.

Loki was sure as hell getting a kick out of this.

Loki was sitting in a chair behind Stephen, Stephen sitting at the god's feet. They were watching as a mind controlled Peter fought an injured Tony.

"Kid, kid listen. It's me, Tony!" Tony cried. The armored man couldn't bring himself to harm the boy, so he just did his best to dodge the boy's attacks as he tried to bring the boy back to his right mind.

"He cannot hear you, you mewling quim." Loki yelled at Tony.

     Peter rushed forward, gripping the arm of Tony's armor and twisting harshly.

     Tony screamed.

     Peter let go and kicked off of Tony, webbing onto the ceiling.

     Tony fell.

     "Please, kid." Tony yelled.

     It hurt Stephen to have to watch this.

     "Great entertainment, isn't it?" Loki asked.

     Stephen assumed that the man was talking to him he grunted, which was really the only thing he could do.

     "You've got the best seat in the house." Loki chuckled. "How does it feel to have to watch your husband and your child kill each other," the man taunted. "You want to look away, but you can't. You want to do something, but you can't."

     Stephen watched as Peter ripped away the face of Tony's helmet. He could see the fear in the man's eyes. His heart wrenched.

     He wanted to call out, to do something, but Loki was right, he couldn't.

     Stephen was forced to watch as Peter tore apart Tony's armor. Kicking, punching, and throwing the man.

     Stephen knew it would happen soon. He knew that Tony wasn't invincible. Tony was a real man with real nerves.

     Tony wasn't a super soldier like Steve and Bucky. He wasn't a trained assassin like Clint and Natasha. He wasn't a sorcerer like he and Wong were. Tony wasn't bitten by a radioactive spider or experimented on. He was never exposed to gamma rays. Tony wasn't a god with powers. Tony was a man in a suit; a genius billionaire in a suit.

     Stephen knew Tony would last much longer and it pained him to see the look in his lover's eyes.

     Peter webbed Tony against a wall, walking up to the man slowly.

Stephen wanted to close his eyes. He wanted to look away. He felt as if his heart stopped beating when Tony looked at him.

The man's eyes were desperate, searching for some sign that everything would be okay. He was scared and hurt and worried. He knew what was about to happen and he was looking for some kind of relief in Stephen, but, thanks to Loki, Stephen couldn't provide.

Peter made a fist, punching Tony in the ribs. Hard.

Tony began coughing up blood.

     Stephen knew that Peter's punch had broken Tony's ribs, and, seeing he was coughing up blood, also punctured his lung. He knew it was almost one up for Tony and he wanted to scream.

"I love you." Tony yelled. He took Peter's next hits and fell limp.

"Great job, Spider-Man." Loki congratulated Peter.

This was sick. Loki was sick.

Blood spattered the walls of the room they were fighting in. Tony's broken armor littered the floor and Peter's webs hung from the ceiling and walls.

Stephen heard the clicking of footsteps and he didn't register what was happening until it was almost done.

Loki was walking towards the door that connected the two rooms. The man opened it, stepping in the bloodied room where Peter was and closed the door behind him.

Peter brought up a fight stance, but straightened up when Loki waved his hand.

Loki summoned his daggers and closed an eye, lining a shot up with Peter as the boy stood still in the middle of the room.

Almost too still. Stephen thought. Still under Loki's control, he assumed.

Loki threw a dagger that landed itself in the wall behind Peter.

Purposeful miss.

Loki drew back the second dagger.

"Take off your mask, young child." Loki focused on Peter as the boy took off the mask of his suit, dropping it to the ground.

Stephen could clearly see that Peter eyes were blue, which meant he was still under Loki's control.

"Any last words to your father?" Loki asked. Sure, he was a monster, but he wasn't going to kill a child and not let him say anything.

The blue of Peter eyes seemed to falter momentarily before Peter murmured, " 'm sorry."

"The boy says he is sorry." Loki shouted, drawing the dagger back and launching it at Peter where it landed fit in the boy's chest.

Stephen felt a scream rip through his throat as the young boy's body fell to the ground. He wasn't sure when he regained his ability to speak, but that didn't matter to him at the moment. He screamed as his eyes frantically searched for any signs of life.

It was a useless check, really. He knew they were both gone. Tony had caught a few of Peter's mutant-strength punches and Peter had caught a knife to the chest.

Stephen didn't want to believe it. He wanted to think that it was a very bad dream and that when he woke up Tony would be in bed next to him and Peter would be in the room over. He screamed as tears collected in his eyes.

"You're a monster!" He screamed at Loki, who had disappeared after the murder of the boy. "You horrid, vile monster!"

     Stephen had decided that that specific mission couldn't have gone worse.

// and now a list of things I searched:

- what is loki's insult?

- where can you punch someone so that they'll cough up blood?

- if you puncture a lung are you guaranteed to cough up blood?

- how fast can someone die from a punctured lung?

- will my fbi agent track me down?

- message to my fbi agent: dude im sorry you got assigned to me, im writing, i promise. im not committing murder, I swear. go grab some vodka, you deserve it bro.

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