recipe for disaster // spideypool

681 14 12

tw: none
word count: 145
for: phckface
don't be sad bb, read some spideypool :]

     "Please, Spidey?" Wade begged.

"Swinging takes finesse and focus, both of which you lack, so no."

     The arachnid-themed hero and the antihero where on a late-night patrol when the antihero had asked to use the arachnid's web slingers.

     "You wound me, Spider-babe." Wade said dramatically, bringing his hand to his heart.

After a while of Peter carrying Wade around on his back while they swung through the city, the boy gave in.

     "Everything about this screams 'recipe for disaster.'" Peter undid one of the shooters, then fastened it to Wade's wrist.

"Sweet, thanks! Look at me, Spider-babe, I'm just like you!" The antihero called as he shot a web at a nearby building.

     "Wade, get back here!" Peter screamed as he chased after the antihero, swinging through the streets with one shooter.

     He sighed.

     It really was a recipe for disaster.

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