don't smile // spideypool

797 16 10

tw: death
word count: 559
idea by: viintagecherry

     The mission wasn't supposed to go like this. The bad guy was getting away and Peter, their only hope of tracking the bad guy down again, was down. Wade didn't know that yet, of course.

     Wade was on the roof of the building, shooting at the bad guy and his henchmen as they ran.

     One hit. Two hits. Three hits.

Wade had shot down all the henchmen, but the main guy was running for a highly populated area, and as confident as Wade was about his shooting skills, he unsure about shooting into a crowd this big.

     The com that Peter had given him buzzed to life, "Wade, go get him, he's getting away." Peter sounded weak, his voice pained. It sounded as if he was gasping for breath.

     "You good down there, Petey?" Wade asked, he wasn't going to leave Peter to die even if it meant the bad guy got away.

     "I'm fine, Wade. Just go get the guy." Peter responded, but Wade was already on his way down the stairs from the roof.

     "No, no you're not. You don't sound fine. What floor?" Wade asked quickly, he was running down the stairs, frantically searching for his partner.

     "Fourth." Peter grunted as he shifted so he could sit up against a nearby wall.

     Wade threw open the door that separated the stairs from the fourth floor and gasped. Peter was sitting on the floor, against a wall. He had taken his mask off, most likely in an effort to make breathing easier. Wade was by his side in an instant.

     "Petey, hey, Peter. Peter look at me." Wade mumbled. Peter lifted his head weakly.

     The boy had a thin line of blood running down his chin from the corner of his mouth and there was a hold in his chest.

     "This wasn't how it was supposed to go." Wade desperately searched for some sign of falseness in the situation. Something to tell him that it wasn't real. Something to tell him that Peter would survive this.

     "Look." Peter gasped. He was doing his best to smile for Wade. That's why Peter was a hero: he could smile even when he was in extreme pain just to help someone.

     "No, Petey, don't smile. You're dying, please don't smile." Wade tried to keep his voice from quivering, but he couldn't.

     "It's okay." Peter wheezed, he kept the pained grin on his face despite Wade's objection. 

     "No, Peter. It's not okay. Don't smile, you don't have to smile." Wade insisted even though he knew the boy wasn't going to listen to him.

     Wade smiled at the boy even as his eyes glazed over. The watched as the boy's once lively chocolate eyes became cold and his chest stilled. He stayed at Peter's side until he broke, "it didn't have to end like this, but you're always the hero. You always have to be the hero." He muttered.

     With a new determination Wade ripped a marker from his belt and started writing on the wall near Peter.

     Mission gone wrong. Time of death: 4:12 PM. Going to catch the bad guy. I'll drop by soon. -DP

     "Karen, activate Peter's distress signal." Wade muttered. He heard a quiet beeping sound then a, "distress signal sent."

     The man reloaded his gun and left the building. This bad guy just killed the wrong spider.

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